
210. Producers Strike

Lew Rockwell tells Brian Wilson that the time is now to withdraw consent
from the parasitical evil creators of poverty and war in DC.

Just as the fictional Atlas shrugged off the moochers of the world, productive
talent is leaving America to find niches where they might peacefully use what
they know, not whom they know, to produce and prosper. Ron Paul’s messages of
individual freedom and societal liberty inspires them and all producers.



209. Myths of World War II

Eric Margolis leads Lew Rockwell through the murky distortions surrounding
the Great Catastrophe to show that it was not the good vs. evil conflict as
official propaganda would have it.



208. Real Freedom and Ron Paul

Butler Shaffer on the difference between freedom and liberty, and how to be free regardless of the state.

The establishment does not get it. Free individuals are withdrawing their consent to be ruled. And it is free people who create the social condition of liberty, not those who simply mouth bromides. Ron Paul’s singular integrity shines forth as exemplifying the well-examined life.

Butler Shaffer: LRC Archives



207. The Criminal Conduct of the US State

Lew Rockwell in a recent intriguing interview.

Lew Rockwell answers a resounding NO to Boiling Frogs producers Seibel Edmunds and Peter Collins when they ask him if there is any government activity he approves of. He goes on to explain.

Lew Rockwell: LRC Archives

Lew Rockwell on Facebook

Sibel Edmunds’ Boiling Frogs: Home of the Irate Minority



206. Bank Runs, Price and Wage Controls, Social Unrest, Totalitarian Attacks on Business

Lew Rockwell interviews monetary economist Joe Salerno.

The abuses of the Federal Reserve, the state, and their associated banks are wrecking the dollar and the American economy. We must free the people to use gold and silver as money, and other foreign currencies, freeze the money supply, and demonopolize banking, or face the greatest economic disaster in history.



205. Ron Paul: I’m Running Against Keynes

Ron Paul in conversation with Lew Rockwell.

Forget the other cookie-cutter candidates. Ron Paul is challenging the economics of government power and dollar destruction, as exemplified by John Maynard Keynes. He wants to reverse Nixon’s dictat, that "we are all Keynesians now," and make that "Austrians." He also finds new support for his exposure of Fed abuses, and opposition to the Christian right theology of endless war.



204. Police Epidemic

Lew Rockwell interviews William Norman Grigg.

Paramilitary police are a relatively recent state invention. They’ve metastasized into a domestic occupation force, enhancing government, institutionalizing injustice, plundering with permission, Tasing with perversion, cloaked in full immunity, and not protecting people. Whatever you do, don’t call 911. As a mundane, your home is no longer your castle.




Bill Rounds: Lower Your Profile; Enhance Your Privacy

Lew Rockwell interviews author of How To Vanish, Bill Rounds.

Being stopped by a cop or having a subpoena thrust in your face can ruin at least your day if not your life. Bill Rounds, a strong advocate of personal and financial freedom and civil liberties, suggests a few reasonable ways to prepare for these and other events, using both common sense and new technologies.



202. The Truth About Neocons

From Lenin and Leo Stauss to Murdoch and Gen. Petraeus, neoconservatives are all about who shall rule, concludes Chris Manion.

Focused on power and unlimited government, neocons seek control, broaden war, spread corruption, bomb cities, kill randomly, and plan on co-opting the Tea Partiers into liars like themselves.



201. Turning the Tables

Peter Schiff interviews Lew Rockwell on where we’re headed economically and politically.

Lew appears on the Peter Schiff Radio Show. Their lively discussion covers a wide range of topics including the political machinations of raising the debt ceiling, the dis-informative MSM that’s hooked into the government, rising prices, the unraveling of our money, and the coming of wage and price controls. Indeed, because of government’s economic and police state activities, we are in uncharted waters, headed to the bottom of the ocean. On the bright side, although Lew is a short-term pessimist, he retains hope for the future. People are worried, but they are waking up to the real culprits and causes of our current situation.

Peter Schiff’s Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture at The Mises Institute



200. Rule of Law? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Rule of Law

Brian Wilson interviews Lew Rockwell on WSPD.

Government is not exempt from moral law. Murder, kidnapping, theft, prison, torture, execution, assassinations, corruption of judges, and telling the big lies followed by cover up are all business as usual for our elective dictatorship regime. Rather than baying at the moon and dancing in the streets painted blue, white and red, over what might have been the take down of Osama bin Laden, more Americans should get skeptical about government blather. Most may not really want liberty, but thinking minorities accomplish everything. Ron Paul’s newest book Liberty Defined gives us the unstoppable weapon – the truth.



Eric Margolis: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Eric Margolis talks to Lew Rockwell about lynch-mob foreign policy.

The assassination of bin Laden, the US occupation of Pakistan, the next neocon war, CIA drug running in Afghanistan, the recolonialization of Africa, the near-starvation blockade of Gaza, Libya as an attack on China, a more independent Egypt, and the future of the US empire in the Muslim world – Eric and Lew discuss it all.

Eric Margolis’ website






198. The Bush Dynasty Laid Bare

Russ Baker shows that Decision Points is no candid memoir.

Investigative journalist Russ Baker updates what he uncovered in Family of Secrets about the Bushes with his responses to the former President’s best-selling book. In sum, Bush started a war under false pretenses, allegedly left the cockpit because of substance abuse, got fabricated religion in order to keep power, desired to invade Iraq even before his presidency, and works to set up his brother Jeb for the Presidency. Baker finds the Bush Family political system to be a brilliant con job, benefiting large wealthy interests, and being continued by Obama.

Russ Baker’s website

WhoWhatWhy.com: Forensic Journalism



197. Race and Economics

Lew Rockwell interviews Walter Williams on his two new books.

From his stepfather’s urging that he go early and stay late to his own hardworking experiences in the market, Walter Williams concludes that racial discrimination alone has never been the barrier that people say it is. In his forthcoming book, Race and Economics, Dr. Williams views minimum wage as effective racism, the Davis-Bacon Act as super minimum wage regulation, discrimination as an act of choice, and prejudice to be simply a decision made with incomplete information.

Walter E. Williams: LRC Archives

Walter E. Williams: website



196. The Fascist States of America

Jesse Ventura tells Lew Rockwell about The 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read.

Naked-body "microwave" machines target travelers in violation of the 4th Amendment, the Republican and Democratic parties make everything worse, the CIA is embedded in state governments to control the governors, and the USA is already a police state, censoring Jesse’s show about the building of FEMA camps. Big corporations in control, military kangaroo courts, sixteen million documents stamped "Top Secret," authoritarian borders – all are a part of the foolish, dangerous, and evil actions of our overlords, exposed in 63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read.

Jesse’s 63 Documents: facebook page

Jesse’s new website: http://weaintgottimetobleed.com/

Book signings this week:

  • April 11 @ 7-9 PM in Barnes & Noble on 1201 3rd Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401
  • April 12 @ 7:30-9 PM in ESPN Zone at LA Live (across from Staples Center) on 800 W. Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90015
  • April 13 @ 7-9 PM in Borders on 3700 Torrance Blvd, Torrance, CA 90503




195. American Domination as ‘Freedom and Democracy’

Scott Horton interviews Lew Rockwell.

Like Rome, England, and other empires, the US divides to rule. In Arab countries, the subjects of the latest conquests, this is done geographically and tribally. The US establishes "freedom and democracy," that is, mass killing, puppet tyrannies, and control of the oil. Some human beings like to murder and torture. Serial killers, we call them in the private sector. Mr. President, Madam Secretary, General, Mr. Director, we call them in the government.



194. US Military Dictatorship as the Economy Goes Off a Cliff

Lew Rockwell is interviewed by Brian Wilson.

Obama begins wars on his own, hopes to blackmail China by withholding oil, extends the conflict, maximizes chaos, and, oh yes, kills civilians. Meanwhile big banks gain, Americans lose, and there’s another inflated stock-market bubble.



193. Gold, Guns, and Getaway Plans

Gerald Celente talks to Lew Rockwell about current and future troubles, and gold, guns and getaway plans.

The government and the power elite are out of control. The president rips up the constitution to start another war, and the American boobeosie sit back and watch TV. Wall Street and the big banks rip us off, and Boobus Americanus eats more junk food. But ignoring the criminals who are ruining the entire West with their monetary Ponzi scheme is hardly a cure. For one thing, we have to be prepared for retaliation by Gadaffi in New York or some other American city. But as individuals and families, we don’t have to take it. Given what lies ahead, here is what courageous Americans can do.

Gerald Celente is Founder/ Director of The Trends Research Institute. The Trends Research Institute publishes The Trends Journal.

Gerald Celente: some prior podcasts:




Tom Woods: Rollback the State

Tom Woods on his new manifesto of freedom


Digestible doses of beautifully written, relentless argument against the State and all lies, from Obama healthcare to destructive stimulus, from the Federal Reserve to the military-industrial “complex.” This may be the most important popular libertarian book in decades.





191. Decentralization and Liberty

Lew Rockwell interviews the founder and president of Instituto Ludwig von Mises Brasil, Helio Beltrao.

Using the analogy of a starfish and its decentralized resilience to challenges, this young Brazilian financial and ideological entrepreneur, Helio Beltrao, shares the legacy of his father and the inspiration he draws from the Mises Institute for his dynamic future plans as a large idea player upon the world’s stage.



190. Is Ron Paul Running for President in 2012?

Ron Paul talks to Lew Rockwell about his possible campaign, Bernanke and Hillary.

Travel to three cities in Iowa, a visit to New Hampshire and the new use of a private plane are the activities of a man possibly on the campaign trail. Back in DC, Ron Paul is eclipsing Ben Bernanke as the Fed is unable to keep its inflation a secret any longer, and Ron is telling Hillary that even some military are backing away from her own murderous position to keep nothing off the table in the use of "humanitarian" military aggression in Libya.

A few recent conversations of Ron Paul with Lew Rockwell:



189. The Muslim Cry for Justice: Will the US Be Able to Stifle It Again?

Eric Margolis is interviewed by Lew Rockwell.

No candidate opposed to the US occupation is permitted to run in Iraqi or Afghan elections. It will be the same in Egypt and Libya if the US gets its way. Soviet-style rigged elections make a mockery of the occupied peoples’ desire for self-determination, for honest courts, for social mobility, and for an end to the wealth-stealing dictators and monarchs who have forced servitude on the Arab world, thanks to the US empire.



188. Among the DC Slime Artists: Tom DiLorenzo on Congress, the Fed and the Smearbund

Lew Rockwell on how very worried the Fed is about its critics.

Congressional creeps would not be so rude, insolent, lying, hateful and dismissive in their malicious libel of an invited committee guest, appearing at his own expense, unless they were afraid, very afraid. But efforts to silence Tom DiLorenzo, Ron Paul, and the rest of us will not work against those of us who will not back down, or away, from truth.



187. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Lew Rockwell asks John Perkins how he was seduced into being a top agent doing the dirty work of the CIA and the National Security Agenc


Wine, women, and song hooked John into a life he came to regret. Corruption, coups and assassinations finally compelled him to blow the whistle on the rapacious way global geopolitics serve the interests of the empire’s big corporations, leaving people and nations in conflict and debt. Going public with the complete ugly story is John’s only life insurance policy, so that he doesn’t end up taken out by the jackals, like some Central American friends of his.



186. Strangling Egypt: Eric Margolis on the Empire

After 40 years of Made-in-America tyranny, what will happen to Egypt?

War correspondent Eric Margolis and Lew Rockwell discuss the Egyptian army, the monstrous secret police, Camp David, the overcrowding, the food situation, the Palestinians, and Omar Suleiman – the torturer-in-chief for the US – now designated to take Mubarak’s place.



185. Tunisia, Egypt, the Fed: Overthrowing the Despots

Ron Paul in conversation with Lew Rockwell.

The Egyptians, Tunisians, and others rebel against political and economic tyranny. Markets reveal truths and the truth is anti-federal government. The interventionist chickens are coming home to roost. People are poorer and less free for US policing of the world. Americans, too, of course. The big event will be a currency collapse, when trust is lost. Dr. Paul’s first committee hearing, as chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee, showcases the Fed’s responsibility for higher prices and unemployment, here and around the globe.

A few recent conversations of Ron Paul with Lew Rockwell:


184. The Founding Fathers: A Revisionist Look

Thaddeus Russell tells a renegade tale to Lew Rockwell.

Professor Russell’s new Renegade History of the United States speaks volumes to the eternal conflict between those who hold power and all the ordinary peoples. The Founding Fathers wanted the British regime without the King. The wonderfully anarchic culture in the colonies alarmed them to the core. The abolitionists, who were deeply Puritanical, felt that slaves were too free in some ways, and Reconstruction was the first Afghanistan – the push of New England to control the entire world. Thad Russell sees Obama as the throwback to the worst of the Progressives, desiring total control over peoples’ lives. Meanwhile, the regular left misses or ignores the dark side.

"Thaddeus Russell has broken free of the ideological prisons of Left and Right to give us a real, flesh-and-blood history of America, filled with untold stories and unlikely heroes. No waving incense before the sacred personages of Washington, D.C. here. This wonderful book follows the best American traditions of iconoclasm and – what is the same thing – truth-telling." ~ Thomas E. Woods, Jr., author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History




183. We Do Not Need a State

Lew Rockwell interviews Roderick T. Long.

Professor Long stresses that the state is just a bunch of people, not supermen. Its power is an illusion, coercing us only because we consent to be ruled. But education about the State, and alternative networks, empower an ever-greater number to withdraw their consent from the power-hungry, tax-eating, violent apparatus whose abuses result in many evils, including piles of dead bodies.

Anarchy, the absence of a ruler, is impossible, say its opponents. In fact, it is becoming ever more possible, and ever more necessary.





182. The Menace of Neoconservatism

Lew Rockwell interviews Karen Kwaitkowski.

Neoconservatives speak of democracy and freedom. They deliver wars and bigger government. They itch to build permanent bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, to attack Iran, to stir up hatred of the Muslim Other, to topple a government they don’t like, and to use WMD. But they may finally be stymied by the economic collapse of the empire.

Karen’s LRC Archives

Karen’s Facebook Page




181. Hyperinflation Ahead?

Rockwell interviews Jorg Guido Hülsmann.

Quantitative easing is designed to bail out the federal debt, but it may presage Weimar.Dr. Hulsmann discusses the evils of central banking and fractional reserves, the blessings of deflation, and how Austrian economists are making vast progress.