LRC Blog

The REAL ‘life’ of KARL MARX

“Karl Marx spent his entire life avoiding work, sponging off his friends and family, burdening the lives of everyone he came into contact with, all because Marx wanted to overthrow the current regime (a subconscious rebellion against his parents) and install himself in the seat of ultimate power (as a way to avoid work). He didn’t care about the “workers”, his children, his wife, his parents, nor anybody else. All he cared about was himself, and today’s video will show you exactly what happened and why.

“Article mentioned in the video regarding the Industrial Revolution…

“Clarification for 32:04. Some Hermeticists call the Christian God the ‘demiurgos’ (the Artisan), while others call the true immaterial God the ‘demiurgos’… you know, just to confuse us. Well, for the purposes of this video, the name isn’t important. What matters is that, as a Hermeticist, Marx is looking to overcome the ‘material’ God and get to the true ‘immaterial’ God. So if in doubt, just ignore where I said “and they call him the Demiurgos”.

Another superb, first-class analysis by the gentleman many consider one of the most penetrating, in-depth, and scholarly Internet historians.

11:29 pm on January 15, 2025

Rudolf Jung – the Karl Marx of Hitler’s National Socialism?

“Rudolf Jung was an early National Socialist who wrote the first book on the movement (six years before Mein Kampf). He not only reveals the origins of the National Socialist movement, but he also shapes Hitler’s views and spells out their views and what they were trying to achieve. Jung wanted to be known as the ‘Karl Marx’ of National Socialism. In this video, we’ll take a look at Rudolf Jung’s life and book and see what we can learn from this.”

This is a fascinating and illuminating presentation on the early roots of the National Socialist movement and the seminal impactful influence of Rudolf Jung upon Hitler. After over 100 years, we are only now beginning to fully grasp the malignant origins this of deadly ideology, in order to understand its consequential impact in the Second World War, the later aspect of the Thirty Years War of the Twentieth Century.

4:54 pm on January 15, 2025

He Must be Stopped Before He Invades Even More Countries

I speak of course of Netanyahoo and his American “allies,” not Putin.

3:17 pm on January 15, 2025

Will Marco Rubio Be Trump’s Blinken?

12:47 pm on January 15, 2025

Grounding Targets All Diseases – Clint Ober

Please watch (at least) the first 53 seconds of this interview, HERE.

For more information on how to Ground yourself indoors during these winter months please go to

To do a deeper dive on the research please go to

There, go to the Menu, BASICS and then the submenu, GETTING STARTED.

Highly Recommended

12:03 pm on January 15, 2025

Welcome to the External Revenue Service

Trump wants to create an External Revenue Service to collect his increased tariffs. I thought he was going to cut agencies, not add new ones? Importers will be harassed by the ERS to no end to make sure every penny is collected. An External Revenue Service to collect tariffs? Sounds like something Lincoln would do.

8:27 am on January 15, 2025

What Will Trump Do On Ukraine?

2:44 pm on January 14, 2025

Which is scarier –Hegseth or the combined brainpower of the Senate Armed Forces Committee?

Watching just a bit of the Hegseth hearings before the Senate AF Committee, it is clear that many on that committee understand exactly what is at stake.  Hegseth will be a US secretary of defense offense who will obey Donald Trump, won’t be bought by the same old companies, but can probably be contained by other means. His assigned mission in the Pentagon will be to disrupt, delay and deny — and Senators were sweating their real concern about a potential disruption of the district kickbacks and reduction of state defense investments, their nervousness thinly disguised by statements about doing right by the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.

Both Hegseth and the members of the Committee seem unfamiliar with various parts of the Constitution, and come across as unprepared.  It’s probably a match made in heaven. Curiously, Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullin made a lot of sense.  Of course, he’s a plumber and a rancher, both careers Americans have far more need of than “US Senator.”  Another point of light:  Hegseth’s written statement included a sly, if sophomoric, callback to the days of Rumsfeld, asserting “I know what I don’t know.” This is on its face silly — but it reminds us that the Senate easily confirmed secretaries of defense in our lifetimes that have been far more dangerous and anti-American than Hegseth will ever be.

I doubt Hegseth, or any other secretary of defense that this Senate can confirm, will be much of a disruptor.  It is the job of Congress to cut spending, to hold the executive branch accountable, and end the illegal wars, the odd overseas assassination, and genocides that nearly all of them support to some degree.  Most of them have no intention of doing their job. If this hearing is any guide, we can confirm only that the US Senate and House will do what they always do — give the Pentagon more money than even that rapacious cesspool of waste and fraud asks for, and mandate inappropriate, unneeded, and unsupportable defense programs that have little or nothing to so with actually protecting our country, or American interests.


1:57 pm on January 14, 2025

Exposing the Plan to Extort $$$ from Dr Sam Bailey

As many of you know Dr Sam Bailey along with her husband, Dr Mark Bailey, gave up their medical licenses because they refused to stay within the corrupt system that required doctors to quietly follow orders to Jab, Mask and Censure – Or Else.

Well… The “Or Else” is still after Sam.

In this video, HERE, she updates you on this heinous $$$ shakedown and how she and Mark are standing up for Medical and Health Freedom.

This is an important video (19 min) and I urge you to please share it widely with everyone you care about.

Stopping Medical Corruption – and entrenched, committed ignorance – is essential for all of us as we learn how to take better care of ourselves and our loved ones.

Please watch and Share.

7:14 am on January 14, 2025

Biden’s Final Foreign Policy Speech Today – How Did He Do?

12:38 pm on January 13, 2025

A Grievous Insult to Every Traditionalist Roman Catholic and Other Persons of Faith. Is a Pardon Soon to Follow?

11:02 am on January 12, 2025

Avian Flu Virus H5N1: No Proof for Existence, Pathogenicity, or Pandemic Potential


MM Comment: I’m presenting here 3 items for you to consider. Together they address what I call The Bird Flu “Threat” Canard That Won’t Die.

Item #1: The letter below (edited by me for brevity) was published in 2005 addressing the claim – then – that the Avian Flu Virus was “highly contagious” and threatened “potentially all six billion people on earth.” I urge you to read the letter in it’s entirety, HERE.

Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted

by David Crowe 1, Torsten Engelbrecht 1

WHO, CDC, Robert Koch Institute (RKI), and Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI) claim that H5N1 (avian flu virus) is “highly contagious”. Further, Reinhard Kurth, president of RKI, says that H5N1 “threatens potentially all six billion people on earth”.

We identified four fundamental questions underlying these claims and requested supporting studies from FLI (which according to the German Government “possesses virus isolates of H5N1”):

1. Does H5N1 exist?

2.Is it pathogenic to animals?

3.Is it transmissible and pathogenic to humans, and does it have pandemic potential?

4.Have other causes for observed disease been studied?

FLI responded with four papers: PNAS [1], Science [2], J Virol [3] directed towards questions 1 and 2; EID [4] towards question 3; PNAS [1] towards question 4.

Question 1 (existence). FLI responded with, “H5N1/asia virus can be produced completely in vitro by using reverse genetics. The virus generated this way, also called infectious clone, cannot contain contaminants from sick animals” [translated from German].

Question 2 (animal pathogenicity). Papers describe the use of natural routes, but disease was only achieved with extraordinary concentrations, up to 10 million EID per animal. None of the experiments used controls or blinding.

Question 3 (human pathogenicity and pandemic potential). The EID paper is an anecdotal report of a 6-year-old boy from Thailand with severe multi-organ disease. No evidence was given for transmissibility to humans.

Regardless, warnings of an “explosive pandemic” appeared in this early document, though FLI conceded: “There is no scientific forecasting method that can evaluate the possibility that an influenza virus induces a new pandemic.”

Question 4 (non-“H5N1” causation). Neither…references consider reasonable, competing theories for disease causation, e.g., environmental and pharmaceutical factors.

Our analysis shows the papers do not satisfy our four basic questions. Claims of H5N1 pathogenicity and pandemic potential need to be challenged further.

MM Comment: Item #2:

Please read this January 7, 2025 update from Christine Massey:

FDA lawyer admits: ‘HPV’ & all other ‘virus’-related authorizations are based on ZERO scientific evidence

MM Comment: Item #3:

Please watch this excellent video by Dr. Sam Bailey, Taking Away Your Chickens

4:42 pm on January 11, 2025

Time for Bill Gates & Typhoid Mary to Kiss and Make Up?

MM Comment:

The following is a “letter” to Bill Gates by Arthur M.M. Krolman. I was so impressed I share it with you and hope you’ll review it’s excellent links and share it widely. Thank you.

Dear Bill,

Last time I wrote, you were in the middle of pushing the world’s climate down by two degrees. Lately, you’ve been in the middle of pushing two injections into the arms of the world. What will you turn your wandering attention to next, Bill? Maybe vetting a wife #2 is on your mind? Whatever your plans, it’s time you give Typhoid Mary a second chance.

Over the years, you and your pandemic hunter friends have treated the girl unfairly. She has been repeatedly dragged out as the poster child for why it’s okay to use physical force against innocent people who are labeled superspreaders. Even a leading libertarian agrees.

The argument goes something like this: “You initiated aggression yourself if you are spreading germs. Therefore, it’s okay to retaliate with force against you if you resist going directly to quarantine jail or rolling up your sleeve for emergency injections.”

Like MS-DOS, your IP baby that grew up to be the Microsoft leviathan, truthfully being someone else’s baby.

Bill, what if all these years we’ve been thinking wrong about germs?

  • What if the truth is that there is no such thing as a superspreader?
  • What if the truth is that much-maligned Typhoid Mary never spread any germs?
  • What if the truth is that there is no such thing as what we think of as germs at all?
  • What if all the Covid hysteria was simply a pandemic of testing for a nothing-burger? A nothing-burger that, like a nothing-burger would be expected to do, kept annual death numbers about the same as pre-2020 in places like Canadaand autonomous provinces of Italy – not under the thumb of the federal government. More evidence that the Covid-hypnotized world was sleepwalking through a cruel, cruel hoax.

Picture this, Bill. If we can wake up from this dream and see the truth, there will never be another pandemic on earth. If we wake up, you’ve achieved your publicly-stated goals for world health! No more need to hand over your billions to the WHO. Pandemics are over!

Enter The Final Pandemic. On the heels of Virus Mania, internet sensation Dr. Sam Bailey is at it again. The smart, sassy and stunning redhead (alas, she’s taken) has launched this new book with her chief researcher and husband Dr. Mark Bailey.

When Mark decides to look into something, he doesn’t mess around. For example, after the Fed-induced financial collapse of 2008, Mark decided to look into economics. The first book he digested: Ludwig von Mises Human Action – the magnum opus of the greatest economist of all time. Mises friend Tom Woods interviewed Mark last year. Now, in this riveting book with Sam, they step-by-step lay out the scientific fraud leading to the Covid hoax.

Concerning Typhoid Mary, who knew that the man responsible for fingering her as a superspreader, admitted to never having any evidence before proving her guilty? The New York City sanitation engineer bragged, “As a matter of fact, I did not need the specimens in order to prove that Mary was a focus of typhoid germs.”

Who knew that the way snot from healthy people kills green monkey cells “could not be distinguished with confidence” from the way snot from sick people kills them? Or that there is a tiny animal living in Yellowstone National Park that is responsible for giving us the magic of PCR tests? Or, according to CDC archives, that modern plumbing et al pretty much eradicated childhood illnesses before mass vaccination arrived to eradicate them again? This easy-to-read book is chock full of thought-provoking information.

Bill, remember your young billionaire bachelor days and how you vetted Windows-compatible life-mate partners before you installed Melinda? You instructed them to read some thought-provoking book you had chosen to chew over together on your date. Melinda’s over. Pandemics are over. Bill, hook up with Mary for a book date. Choose The Final Pandemic.

Yours truly, Arthur

Arthur Martin McCannell Krolman [send him mail] is an inventor and founder of an allograft recovery products supplier in North Texas. Debating champion, valedictorian, Wharton graduate and Chartered Financial Analyst, Arthur is also the writer of a children’s book on the Austrian business cycle theory and contributor to

3:06 pm on January 11, 2025

Teddy Roosevelt the Trustbuster – Lies – US History – Extra History

This YouTube series on Theodore Roosevelt is particularly grating for its exclusive reliance upon staid establishment court historians and PBS Ken Burns “documentaries.” It is as if the path-breaking scholarly work of Gabriel KolkoFerdinand LundbergMurray RothbardPhillip H. BurchBurton W. Folsom, or Robert Higgs never existed.

The Progressive Era, by Murray N Rothbard

The central fact clearly stated by economist and historian Murray N. Rothbard at the beginning of his chapter, “From Hoover To Roosevelt: The Federal Reserve and the Financial Elites,” found in his A History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era To World War II, Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2002:

“This (analysis) is grounded on the insight that American politics, from the turn of the twentieth century until World War II, can far better comprehended by studying the interrelationship of major financial groupings than by studying the superficial and often sham struggles between Democrats and Republicans. In particular, American politics in this period was marked by a fierce struggle between two major financial-industrial groupings: the interests clustered around the House of Morgan on the one hand, and an alliance of Rockefeller (oil), Harriman (railroad), and Kuhn, Loeb (investment banking) interests on the other. “

In the Extra History series, TR is portrayed as the knightly trust buster battling the evil dragon J. P. Morgan (who performed a noble public service in financing the Panama Canal).

Contrast that with these observations of Rothbard:

“The death of Hobart in 1899 left a “Morgan vacancy” in the Vice-Presidential spot, as McKinley walked into the nomination. McKinley and Hanna were both hostile to Roosevelt, considering him “erratic” and a “Madman,” but after several Morgan men turned down the nomination, and after the intensive lobbying of Morgan partner George W. Perkins, Teddy Roosevelt at last received the Vice-Presidential nomination. It is not surprising that virtually Teddy’s first act after the election of 1900 was to throw a lavish dinner in honor of J.P. Morgan.

Teddy Roosevelt and the “Lone Nut”

“The sudden appearance of one of the “lone nuts” so common in American political history led to the assassination of McKinley, and suddenly Morgan man Theodore Roosevelt was President. John Hay, expansionist Secretary of State whom Roosevelt inherited from McKinley, had the good fortune of having his daughter marry the son of William C. Whitney of the great Morgan-connected family. TR’s next Secretary of State and former Secretary of War was his old friend Elihu Root, personal attorney for J.P. Morgan. Root appointed as his Assistant Secretary a close friend of TR’s, Robert Bacon, a Morgan partner, and in due course Bacon became TR’s Secretary of State. TR’s first appointed Secretary of the Navy was Paul Morton, vice-president of the Morgan-controlled Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, and his Assistant Secretary was Herbert L. Satterlee, who had the distinction of being J.P. Morgan’s son-in-law.

“Theodore Roosevelt’s greatest direct boost to the Morgan interests is little known. It is well known that Roosevelt engineered a phony revolution in Columbia in 1903, creating the new state of Panama and handing the Canal Zone to the United States. What has not been fully disclosed is who benefited from the $40 million that the U.S. government paid, as part of the Panama settlement, to the owners of the old bankrupt Panama Canal Company, a French company which had previously been granted a Colombian concession to dig a Panama canal.

“The Panama Canal Company’s lobbyist, Morgan-connected New York attorney William Nelson Cromwell, literally sat in the White House directing the “revolution” and organizing the final settlement. We now know that, in 1900, the shares of the old French Panama Canal Company were purchased by an American financial syndicate, headed by J.P. Morgan & Co., and put together by Morgan’s top attorney, Francis Lynde Stetson. The syndicate also included members of the Rockefeller, Seligman, and Kuhn, Loeb financial groups, as well as Perkins and Saterlee.

“The syndicate did well from the Panama revolution, purchasing the shares at two-thirds of par and selling them, after the revolution, for double the price. One member of the syndicate was especially fortunate: Teddy Roosevelt’s brother-in-law, Douglas E. Robinson, a director of Morgan’s Astor National Bank. For William Cromwell was named the fiscal agent of the new Republic of Panama, and Cromwell promptly put $6 million of the $10 million payoff the U.S. made to the Panamanian revolutionaries into New York City mortgages via the real estate firm of the same Douglas E. Robinson.”

In one of his best examples of power elite analysis, Murray N. Rothbard, provides the unsavory details of this imperialistic land grab for the benefit of the Wall Street elite dominating the American state at the time. Some of the same nefarious firms are still in the saddle directing the leviathan today as senior partners of the deep state.

The Treaty That Wall Street Wrote, by Murray N. Rothbard

Viewpoint: The Panama Canal Caper, by Murray N. Rothbard

The Untold Story of Panama — Book by Earl Harding

Definitive investigative account naming names of the culprits involved in this infamous Wall Street scam of obtaining the land on which to build the Panama Canal.

Well worth reading this online edition of the 1959 hardback book.

I have an autographed copy of this rare volume.

For a fine modern day re-telling of the tale, “of the financial speculation, fraud, and international conspiracy that led to the building of the Panama Canal,” check out Ovidio Diaz Espino, How Wall Street Created A Nation: J. P. Morgan, Teddy Roosevelt, and the Panama Canal.

To place this nefarious scheme in historical context, see Murray N. Rothbard’s seminal Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy:

There is an excellent chapter on the U.S. and how it obtained the Panama Canal in Ferdinand Lundberg’s America’s 60 Families.

9:22 am on January 11, 2025

The Difference Between Conspiracy and Fact

… Is about 48 hours. Okay, maybe it’s longer than that.

This article is from July 2021, and I am surprised it hasn’t been expunged from the archives. The Fact-Checking faction is already out in force attempting to debunk the notion that these fires were anything but accidental.



7:57 am on January 11, 2025

America’s Untold Stories: The Corrupted Truth Behind the Fires In Los Angeles

America’s Untold Stories
With Eric Hunley and Mark Groubert – Guest: Robert Barnes

LA Runs Out of Water, Trump’s Felon Status, and Alec Baldwin Fights Back | Free-Form Friday

Corruption in LA leaves firefighters without water in the middle of the Palisades wildfire, while Trump faces no penalty in the “hush money” case but makes history as the first felon in the White House. Fani Willis is hit with a $22K fine for ignoring open records requests, and Alec Baldwin sues for malicious prosecution in the aftermath of the Rust shooting. Plus, Mark Zuckerberg spills on Biden admin pressure during his latest Joe Rogan appearance. What’s the untold story behind the headlines? Dive deep with Mark and Eric.


6:25 pm on January 10, 2025

Isn’t It Fascinating How the People Who Most Fervently Worship Government, Social Engineering, and Political Power Themselves Can’t Even Competently Manage Civil Life on the Most Simple and Local Level?

Forget San Francisco.  You don’t get more incompetent than dry fire hydrants and a dry and empty Santa Ynez reservoir at the opening of fire season.  One bright spot: Gavin Newsom’s presidential plans for 2028 may now be as up in smoke as a good chunk of HELL.A.

Image source: MAXAR via Reuters.

5:25 pm on January 10, 2025

Did You Catch This Scene at the Jimmy Carter Funeral?

Commotion in the front row seats.

2:40 pm on January 10, 2025

About Trump’s Neocon and Zionist Foreign Policy Appointees

People are wondering: Where did this purchase of Greenland and form a “North American Union” with Canda and invade Panama stuff come from all of a sudden?  It wasn’t even mentioned during the campaign.

Well, just look who Trump’s foreign policy advisors are.

2:20 pm on January 10, 2025

City of Los Angeles Sent “Surplus” Firefighting Equipment, Including Firetrucks, to Ukraine in 2022

No reports so far of the dictator of Ukraine, flush in hundreds of billions of American dollars in “foreign aid,” offering to lift a finger to help the people of Los Angeles.

1:26 pm on January 10, 2025

“North America” First? Where Did That Come From?

President-elect Trump caused many Americans to wince and scratch their heads this week. Trump succeeded in getting so many Americans to go out and overwhelmingly vote for “America First” and to focus on handling our country’s overwhelming problems. But over the last week, ideas that were not presented during the campaign have been floated: “North America” First and the additions of Canada and Greenland to the United States. Where did this come from?

12:32 pm on January 10, 2025

Turley on Merchan’s Sentencing


11:08 am on January 10, 2025

Burn, Hollywood, Burn – Razör Rants

I’ve never even heard of a fire hydrant just… not having water in it. The pathetic, morally bankrupt Gavin Newsome is the modern day Nero. All he needs to do is blame Christians for it to complete the circle.

The LA mayor’s silence is all you need to know.

Los Angeles hydrants are running out of water because no one filled the reservoirs, but at least they have their first-ever lesbian fire chief who made it her mission to hire people based on DEI.

9:16 am on January 10, 2025

Three Former Presidents Refuse to Say Hello to “Hitler”

At Jimmy Carter’s funeral only Obama, among the other presidents, spoke to President Trump and for quite a while.  Laura Bush acted like she was having a constipation attack, while Hitlary Clinton had the look of a serial killer, as usual.  Bill Clinton looked all around like he was thinking, “Where are all the interns sitting?”  Dubya was looking at his watch, probably hoping he doesn’t miss Wheel of Fortune.  Al Gore’s wife (or whoever it was sitting next to him), who looks like a female Frankenstein, looked over at Trump and then had a look on her face like she just accidentally swallowed a cat turd.  Mike Pence only stood up after Al Gore, who was sitting next to him, did and gave Trump a hand-like-a-dead-fish handshake.  Commie-La looked like she was about to puke as she observed Trump and Obama actually smiling and laughing while talking.  Brandon looked like a senile zombie, as he has for about the last ten years, and said nothing to either Trump or Commie-La.  Melania spoke to no one and gave Commie-La a good, icy stare that said “I know you tried to have my husband killed.”   Hilarious.

2:19 pm on January 9, 2025

California Burns As Biden Ships More Money To…Ukraine!

12:49 pm on January 9, 2025

Fascinating, Fantastic Episode “YOUR WELCOME” with Michael Malice #345: Attorney Robert Barnes

One of the most illuminating and informative wide-ranging interviews you will see.

5:23 pm on January 8, 2025

No Wonder It’s So Hard to Fight Those Fires in Los Angeles

For the past two years, under the guidance/dictates of Nancy Pelosi’s nephew (aka governor of California), LA County has been sending firefighting equipment, including fire trucks, to Ukraine. Is it constitutional for a state to have its own foreign policy?  Is there really a line in the LA County budget for fire trucks for Ukraine?  Which LA County politicians ran on a platform of:  “Vote for me and I’ll give our firefighting equipment away to the dictator of Ukraine”?  Did anyone vote for this, or is the Newsome dictatorship really no different from the ones in Ukraine or North Korea?

5:06 pm on January 8, 2025

Musk Vs. Soros: Who’s The Real ‘Meddler’?

1:10 pm on January 8, 2025

Should We Add 10-15 Million More Socialists to the American Population?

A recent Fraser Institute poll found that 43 percent of Canadians (population about 38 million) “favor socialism.”  It’s over 50 percent for “youth.” I’m beginning to wonder if Trump’s trail balloon about annexing Canada would be such a great idea.  I’m not as excited as “Mr. Wonderful” from the TV show “Shark Tank” who seemed to pee his pants in excitement on a network TV show recently when he said that in such a scenario the Bank of Canada would merge with the Fed and form a sort of super-mega central bank.  I also wonder if we would adopt Canada’s healthcare communism, or could stick with our own good ole hyper-regulated, Obama-cared, healthcare fascism.

4:18 pm on January 7, 2025

Biggest Real Estate Showing and Sale Ever?

Eric Trump is visiting Greenland today.

2:59 pm on January 7, 2025