LRC Blog

‘Hope For Assange?’ With Guest Julian’s Brother Gabriel Shipton

12:54 pm on March 8, 2023

Knuckleheads of Liberty Interview Walter Block; Several Topics

The Remarkable Courage and Integrity of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

When I was a junior in high school I became determined to get involved in politics and go to work in the Robert F. Kennedy presidential campaign. I suppose I had a vague romantic notion of RFK being a noble family legacy of his brother whom I much admired as the martyred president.

I had no idea of any conspiracy theory concerning the death of John Kennedy at that time.

Robert Kennedy’s youthful persona as an idealist against the Vietnam War appealed to me. He seemed genuine and authentic while the rude, crude, earthy LBJ was a shifty, lying mass murderer. I saw Kennedy killed on live TV after the California Primary when he addressed his supporters shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968, in a ballroom at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Leaving the ballroom, he went through the hotel kitchen after being told it was a shortcut to a press room. He did this despite being advised by his bodyguard—former FBI agent Bill Barry—to avoid the kitchen. In a crowded kitchen passageway, Kennedy turned to his left and shook hands with hotel busboy Juan Romero just as Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian, opened fire with a .22-caliber revolver. Kennedy was hit three times, and five other people were wounded. We now know that it was NOT Sirhan who ultimately killed RFK.

RFK died the next day on my birthday June 6. It really struck home. Later in August I intensively watched the Chicago 1968 Democratic national convention and the subsequent police riot, how the peace plank was voted down, and Johnson’s VP Hubert Humphrey anointed as the party’ presidential candidate. I pretty much buried my enthusiasm for the Kennedys with him.


4:45 pm on March 7, 2023

BUSTED! Tucker Carlson Exposes Jan. 6 ‘Insurrection’ Lie!

12:45 pm on March 7, 2023

Getting Injections into Fearful Arms in New Ways

Next up: fast tracking the newest “safe and effective” vaccines for Monkeypox and Bird Flu…with government help of course.

Moderna eyes human testing of mpox, bird flu vaccines this year: ‘They’re really for public health’

To learn why not to be afraid go here: Monkeypox Parties!!!

To learn about the 2005 publication that blew apart the fraudulent science used to invent a non-existent pandemic of Avian/Bird Flu go here, Taking Away Your Chickens (includes 9 references you’ll want to look at as well).

To help others start their process of learning how not to be afraid of these fake diseases please share.

Thank you.

11:59 am on March 7, 2023

Southern Poverty Terrorism Center

An SPLC attorney has been charged with domestic terrorism for participating in an Antifa riot at a new police training center construction site in Atlanta.  Molotov cocktails, physically attacking police, the whole ball of Antifa/Black Lives Matter arson, assault, and rioting wax.  The SPLC millionaires who control the organization are defending the violent little punk.  He was only pursuing their “equity” agenda, they reportedly said.  Yes it’s terrorism but good terrorism seems to be their message.  (No wonder the Buckhead neighborhood of Atlanta wants to secede from the city government and create its own town).

10:43 am on March 7, 2023

First They Poisoned Humans. Now Comes Poisoning the Food Supply.

What’s the latest psycho-show from the Biden Puppet-master administration and the Medical-Agricultural Mafia? Poison the chickens, but call it a “vaccination” to “keep Americans safe.” Yes, the US government wants to inject our food supply with experimental poisons, starting with the chickens, under the guise of an invisible, unprovable, undetectable bird “virus” that doesn’t exist, and has never bee proven to exist. This would permanently poison the industrial supply of chicken, which, of course, is the goal, as our Global Masters continue their efforts to eradicate all meat-eating on the part of the serfs. In an article on almost 20 years ago, I referred to the USDA as a domestic terrorist organization. I wasn’t wrong.

The decision to proceed with vaccination is complex, and many factors must be considered before implementing a vaccination strategy,”  USDA spokesperson Mike Stepien said in a statement, adding that the inspection service is discussing the options and “soliciting input from many different industry stakeholders that would be impacted.


7:09 am on March 7, 2023

Retailers Closing Stores in Blue-State Crimewave Areas.

Walmart spins this as closing “underperforming” stores. But of course, money talks, and so Walmart is getting out of dodge.  Yes, the retailer has been announcing store closures throughout the US during the Biden puppet-master administration and its intentional destruction of the American economy. In Portland, Walmart follows other retailers (Nike, Cracker Barrel, Raind PDX) by ditching the Antifa City altogether due to “theft that is higher than it has historically been.”

Small businesses (and large) cannot sustain doing business, in our city’s current state. We have no protection, or recourse, against the criminal behavior that goes unpunished,” a letter posted on the company’s store read. “Our city is in peril.


6:49 am on March 7, 2023

The Truth About Viruses. Drs. Mark and Sam Bailey

I urge you to watch this interview with Drs. Mark & Sam Bailey by Patrick Timpone

There are 2 short segments, especially, I recommend everyone watch.

  • The problem with DNA as the central dogma of molecular biology (approximately 39:00 to 42:00)
    • The work of Nobel Prize winner, Barbara McClintock, back in the 1960s showed that DNA changes according to environmental conditions.
    • We are taught to believe our genes cannot change and we cannot do anything about them.
    • This should never have become a commonly accepted knowledge. It’s, in fact, a common and deadly mistake.
  • How the human genome has been misrepresented (approximately 59:00 to 1:04:00)
    • We are not just genomes. We are interdependent with bacteria without which we would die.
    • We need to understand the conditional requirements for both us and our needed bacteria to maintain a healthy system.

There’s a lot more packed into this interview. For your convenience I’ve provided a timeline of topics (see below the video).

Highly recommended.


6:51 pm on March 6, 2023

New Yorkers Must Remove Masks . . .

. . . before entering stores, demands the mayor of New York City.   Apparently, the covid mask-mandate bullshit has been a boon for armed robbers in The Big Apple.  Will there now be an explosion of covid cases in NYC?  Only a moron would believe so.

6:50 pm on March 6, 2023

UK Considered Killing All Pet Cats to Stop COVID

What would you do if they came for your cat?

1 minute read.

3:12 pm on March 6, 2023

Cover-Up! Fauci ‘Prompted’ Scientific Report Falsifying Covid Lab-Leak Origins!

12:38 pm on March 6, 2023

Alex Epstein Shreds Green Energy Myths

Alex’s sequel to “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels” is called “Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas—Not Less” and it systematically destroys the “anti-human impact” (watermelon) myths.

I absolutely love the terms he coins for the perspectives in the book — either you’re about “human flourishing” and cost-effective hydrocarbons that efficiently and cheaply power human progress and improvement or you’re about minimizing the impact humans make on planet earth, regardless of what that means to the benefit of species.

Alex does an extremely thorough job of analyzing the complete cost-benefit analysis of hydrocarbons vs. alternatives.  Just as you can imagine with what we’ve seen in the past three years of Covid-19 medical establishment fear-porn, the narrative is formed by captured special interests that have very little to do with the actual truth.

Fossil Future These “anti-impact” interests use propaganda to generate fear and hysteria via a whole lot of simplistic tropes, superficial research that doesn’t account for all of the costs and impacts related to alternatives, and skewed objectives that have nothing to do with improving the human condition writ large but instead minimizing how we change the earth from its natural, inhospitable-to-humanity state.

As a side note, I do not use “fossil fuels” to describe hydrocarbons even though it has unfortunately been a mainstream but most likely incorrect and unscientifically sound term for quite some time.  We’ve let the watermelons redefine our vocabulary with Orwellian Newspeak words for way too long.  Thomas Gold’s book “The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth Of Fossil Fuels” does more than enough to provide evidence that hydrocarbons are not the byproduct of biological debris, but are a common constituent of the materials from which the earth itself was formed some 4.5 billion years ago.  For all intents and purposes, there are no limitations to that supply for human consumption for centuries, if not millennia.

11:58 am on March 6, 2023

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Debt Slavery

Iain Davis and Whitney Webb explore how the UN’s “sustainable development” policies, the SDGs, do not promote “sustainability” as most conceive of it and instead utilise the same debt imperialism long used by the Anglo-American Empire to entrap nations in a new, equally predatory system of global financial governance.

4:20 pm on March 5, 2023

One Disease Scam Which Ruled Them All: The Syphilis Story

It’s time to learn about this Ancient Deception. Go HERE

Many thanks to Mike Stone of



12:37 pm on March 5, 2023

There Are No Negative Side Effects from the Pfizer “Vaccine”

As explained in detail by Pfizer executives in a recent press conference.

7:12 pm on March 4, 2023

When it REALLY Began – BankWars: Weimar Hyperinflation: Three Episodes on the Backstory to the Rise of Hitler and the National Socialists

The Weimar hyperinflation resulted in widespread social and economic collapse, and the complete impoverishment of many people. But what exactly happened? Who benefited from the inflation? Who paid the price? Well, in this multi-part series, we’re going to reexamine the evidence, dive into the details, and dispel many of the myths associated with this disaster, starting with – when the inflation really began. This video will cover the period from the pre-war era until 1918. The rest of the series will go from 1918 to 1923 (and a little beyond).

The German Revolution of 1918 guaranteed that the Weimar Hyperinflation would happen. Why? Because the political ideologues who came to power and founded the Weimar Republic were also the ones calling for the policies that caused it, and were completely clueless on how to stop it. So, in order to fully understand the Weimar Hyperinflation, we need to understand them – who these ideologues were, what they believed, and what they were up to. And in this video, the second in the series on the Weimar Hyperinflation, we’re going to do just that by looking at the REAL history of the German 1918 Revolution and the Spartacist Uprising of 1919.

In this video, the third in the series on the Weimar Hyperinflation, we’re going to take a look at the effects of inflation in 1919, the election that took place, the revolutionary violence, and compare the beginnings of the inflation in Germany with those of other countries in Europe, such as Austria and Russia. We’re going to answer the question: was the Weimar Republic weak? And we’re also going to hear the story of how one man single-handedly saved Austria from a Bolshevik Revolution. This is BankWars:

2:33 pm on March 4, 2023

You Already Understand Economics

It happened again this week. An educated, accomplished professional said to me,

“I really don’t understand Economics.”

My standard response is,

“Of course you do. It’s something you do naturally all day, every day, without thinking about it.”

He said, “Tell me more.”

So I referred him to my short LvMI article which simply explains that

Economics Is About Scarcity, Property, and Relationships

11:27 am on March 4, 2023

Environmentalist Enemies of Human Civilization

In the late 1980s the late Professor Murray Weidenbaum, who was the chairman of President Reagan’s council of economic advisors, invited me to spend a year at his Center for the Study of American Business at Washington University in St. Louis, which I did.  I had no teaching duties and published quite a lot that year, and continued my association with the Center for years afterwards.  Because of that association, and because the Center had published several articles of mine on environmental policy, I was invited to a big conference at the Sundance Institute in Sundance, Utah in January during the early ’90s that was attended by all the big D.C. environmental organizations on one hand, and by a collection of big corporation executives and academics on the other.  On the opening night the Sierra Club/Wilderness Society/etc. crowd presented a video that they said explained their philosophy and their way of thinking of environmental issues.  It was very well done because it was probably produced by Robert Redford’s production people.  It was his Institute, after all, and his pictures were all over the walls.

The most memorable part of the video was a scene of a pathetic looking young boy from the country of India walking barefoot and wearing rags, walking along a dirt road.  Huge dump trucks were blazing by, kicking up dust and stones and spewing pollution.  A deep, ominous voice announces (paraphrasing):  “If you think a billion impoverished Indians is bad, then a billion affluent Indians would be a disaster!”

Human beings are the enemy, in other words, especially “affluent” human beings.  The message of the video was that the solution to this “problem” is twofold:  First, eliminate as many human beings as possible; and second, destroy economic growth and prosperity and return us all to the good ole stone age standard of living.

This has been the primary agenda of the eugenisist American Left for at least the past century, and they have elected as president a senile old pervert and criminal to throw their Hail Mary pass for them.

6:45 pm on March 3, 2023

The Fraudulent War on Birds is an extension of the War on Humanity.

These avian “viruses” are regularly detected in birds that are not sick, admits the US Department of Agriculture.


From Mike Stone of



5:06 pm on March 3, 2023

UK Considered Putting Children in Quarantine Camps

She wasn’t supposed to say this.

Must watch. 3 min

4:18 pm on March 3, 2023

Is ESG Investing A “Ponzi Scheme?”

The market is always more powerful than governments, central bankers, oligarchs and ideologues. Of course, these groups do not like this fact, and are always hatching schemes and scams to try to overpower the market. ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) policies are the latest iteration of politicizing the economy. It too will go down in defeat.

12:33 pm on March 3, 2023

The Public Education System’s Collectivist Origins

The education system creates Nazis because it was basically taken from their forefathers and implemented here. “School” is Prussian and is an abbreviation of “Volksschule” or “schule.”

Collectivism and propaganda’s influence on humanity can really only be broken once the current public education system has been dismantled.

“…if Prussia can pervert the benign influences of education to support arbitrary power, we surely can employ them for the support and perpetuation of republican institutions.” — Horace Mann, The Seventh Annual Report to the Massachusetts Board of Education.

What is interesting to me is that it is practically impossible to find any bound or digital scanned copy of The Seventh Annual Report anywhere.  Reports 1 – 12 are available in internet archives but oddly, things just skip from annual report six to eight.  If you dig appropriately, it has been reprinted in places like “The Common School Journal.” But have the designs for public education to manipulate our children been conveniently removed in all but the most inconspicuous of places?  It seems an even more odd coincidence once you see that search results for “Remarks on the Seventh Annual Report” are abundant.  Things that make you go ‘hmmm….’

8:00 am on March 3, 2023

My husband is critically ill, so I think I’ll go ziplining.

The CommieCrats offer up nothing but endless lies and scandals and fraud. And Babylon Bee moments. The Fetterman family went ziplining while the invisible “Senator” Fetterman is in the hospital. (Or after he passed—take your pick.) Even Newsweek questioned it.

7:02 am on March 3, 2023

And the Feminists Love It

Hershey’s Canada is using a man pretending to be a woman to represent a “celebration of women.” And some people still don’t understand what’s going on here.

The chocolate bars feature Autumn Peltier, an Indigenous rights and water activist, Naila Moloo, a teenage climate innovator, Rita Audi, a gender and education equality activist, Kélicia Massala, the founder of Girl up Québec and Fae Johnstone, a transgender activist and the executive director of consulting firm Wisdom2Action.

6:58 am on March 3, 2023

Unspeakably Cruel! US House Votes To Maintain Sanctions On Earthquake-Ravaged Syria!

1:04 pm on March 2, 2023

The Military Industrial Congressional Complex is Inciting World War III

Saying that Russia’s military action in the Ukraine is “unprovoked” is an outright, boldfaced lie.  We need to make Orwell fiction again and there needs to be consequences for this propaganda and doubling down on an utterly complete policy failure.

Let me ask how would we respond if the tables were turned on us in the Americas where every country was a Russian or Chinese ally and Mexico was planning on entering in on that military alliance?

NATO Military Presence Across Europe

“Expanding NATO would be the most fateful error in American policy in the entire post-cold war era”. “It would inflame nationalistic, anti-western and militaristic tendencies in Russian opinion”, “have an adverse effect on the development of Russian democracy”, “restore the atmosphere of cold war to east-west relations”, and “impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking”. — Ambassador George F. Kennan, New York Times, 1997

NATO must be disbanded, lest it keep finding ways to reinvent its purpose and jeopardize humanity. Poland is outright begging for WWIII. The UK is egging it on behind the scenes, and the USA seems to be at the top of the idiot pile.

NATO hasn’t prevented war, it has emboldened woke, pathetic, neurotic weaklings to pick fights that can’t be won because of the perception that “we’re” all in this together.

Russia’s line in the sand was a known quantity over one-quarter century ago and then Senator Biden’s speech to the Atlantic Council on this very issue foretold the Russian operation that began last year.  The United States has squandered hundreds of millions of dollars just in the past 12 months. Its flippant hubris has killed hundreds of thousands, wrecked tens of millions of lives, and the Biden administration is still flirting with nuclear war.

For over 25 years we’ve been warned. We reap what we sow. This is what happens when your moral code isn’t about human flourishing, but lining the Military Industrial Congressional Complex’s pockets at any expense — even WWIII.

8:49 am on March 2, 2023

Roxanne’s New Song Gives The Swamp Both Barrels!

Roxanne’s new song “Stereotypical” skewers establishment politics!  There are cameos by “The Truth About Covid-19” and “The Real Anthony Fauci” at 0:50 in the video.  “Federalism: How Decentralization Can Save America” cameos at 2:59.


8:48 am on March 2, 2023

Murray Rothbard’s Birthday

Today would have been Murray Rothbard’s ninety-seventh birthday. He was an unforgettable friend whose immense knowledge of many different fields was unsurpassed, in my experience. In a lecture on the Austrian theory of the business cycle, he mentioned the common objection that the expansion of bank credit might have no effect if investors anticipated trouble. After the lecture, I asked whether Mises had answered this point. He said, “See his response to Lachmann in Economica, 1943.” I often went to used bookstores with him, in both Palo Alto and Manhattan, and listened to him as he commented on nearly every book on the shelves. When he was a student at Columbia, he admired the philosopher Ernest Nagel, who he said would always encourage students to do new work. Murray was like this himself. He constantly encouraged students to work on Austrian and libertarian topics. His support for me was never failing, and I owe him everything. If only he were still here now, to guide and instruct us!

8:46 am on March 2, 2023

The CIA Versus Joe McCarthy

(1953 Press Photo CIA director Allen Dulles talks with Senators Joseph McCarthy and Karl Mundt)

Rather than viewing the actions of CBS News against Senator Joseph McCarthy (as portrayed in the 2005 film Good Night and Good Luck, which received six Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Director (Clooney), and Actor (Strathairn) as a heroic case of the mainstream news media working against state power, I believe it was precisely the opposite.

The destruction of McCarthy and his populist crusade against the elites governing America was a triumph of the most powerful forces of the deep state.

The “Roy Cohn” Speech

(This speech was written by Murray N. Rothbard, and delivered by his colleague George Reisman in the 1950s at a Roy Cohn event at which Joe McCarthy was present.)

George Clooney’s film does not delve into Joe McCarthy’s preliminary investigation of CIA covert activities and how CBS chairman William Paley, CBS News president Fred Friendly, and CBS Evening News anchor Edward R. Murrow were part of the Agency’s Operation Mockingbird to provide deflection and cover for the Agency’s ‘family jewels’ of the day. CBS News president Sig Mickelson (1954-61) was later liaison to the CIA. Because of his frequent communications, Mickelson even had a direct private phone line installed to the Agency.

I would suggest reading chapter ten, ‘Things Fall Apart: Journalists,’ in Hugh Wilford’s book, The Mighty Wurlitzer: How The CIA Played America, for background on these crucial events. It outlines how the Columbia Broadcasting Service was closely connected to the Central Intelligence Agency during this period.

CIA director Allen Dulles, CBS chairman William Paley, and CBS board director Senator Prescott Bush were intimate associates in various sociopolitical networks of the northeastern seaboard establishment found in Washington and New York during the days of the early Cold War.

Whether they would meet in their private clubs, at the Harold Pratt House of the Council on Foreign Relations, or in Wall Street corporate and bank board rooms, these old birds of a feather flocked, connived, schemed, and conspired together.

There is so much more to Senator Joe McCarthy, the CIA, and 1950’s America than found in a Hollywood film treatment or presented by ‘court historians’ anointed by the establishment regime media, particularly how the CIA mobilized its Operation Mockingbird media assets to engage in a counter-attack upon old “Tail Gunner Joe” when he was building up momentum in going after the Agency’s “family jewels” of the time after his highly-publicized campaigns against communist spies in the state department and the army.

For more on the mainstream news media and the CIA, see this article on Operation Mockingbird.

And see also the classic Rolling Stone article, ‘The CIA and the Media,’ by former Washington Post investigative journalist Carl Bernstein which is discussed in detail in The Mighty Wurlitzer.

Two interesting books of Establishment Studies (or power elite analysis) have outlined how CIA director Allen Dulles directed his counterintelligence chief James Jesus Angleton to find a means of destroying McCarthy. Angleton chose a veteran of the OSS, James McCargar, to undertake this covert espionage/disinformation action against McCarthy. These facts are discussed in Tim Weiner, Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA; and Gregg Herken, The Georgetown Set: Friends and Rivals in Cold War Washington.

In the fascinating and absolutely compelling book by David Talbot, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, we find the following:

In March 1954, McCarthy’s subcommittee convened a hearing on “alleged threats against the chairman.” One witness — a military intelligence officer named William Morgan who had worked for C. D. Jackson in the White House — stunned the subcommittee by recounting a conversation that he had the previous year with a CIA employ named Horace Craig. As the two men were discussing how to solve the McCarthy problem, Craig flatly stated, “It may be necessary to liquidate Senator McCarthy as was [assassinated Louisiana senator] Huey Long. There is always some madman who will do it for a price.” (pages 223-224)

As with much other conventional establishment history, Americans have been lied to and bamboozled yet again. Its time for yet more ‘revisionism’ on this topic.  And libertarians should lead the way.


4:03 am on March 2, 2023