The Truth About Viruses. Drs. Mark and Sam Bailey

I urge you to watch this interview with Drs. Mark & Sam Bailey by Patrick Timpone

There are 2 short segments, especially, I recommend everyone watch.

  • The problem with DNA as the central dogma of molecular biology (approximately 39:00 to 42:00)
    • The work of Nobel Prize winner, Barbara McClintock, back in the 1960s showed that DNA changes according to environmental conditions.
    • We are taught to believe our genes cannot change and we cannot do anything about them.
    • This should never have become a commonly accepted knowledge. It’s, in fact, a common and deadly mistake.
  • How the human genome has been misrepresented (approximately 59:00 to 1:04:00)
    • We are not just genomes. We are interdependent with bacteria without which we would die.
    • We need to understand the conditional requirements for both us and our needed bacteria to maintain a healthy system.

There’s a lot more packed into this interview. For your convenience I’ve provided a timeline of topics (see below the video).

Highly recommended.

0:00 to 10:00 Introductions. (NB: all times listed are approximate)
10:00 to 39:00 Basics of Terrain Paradigm and common questions.
39:00 to 42:00 Mark Bailey discussing the problem with DNA as the central dogma of molecular biology.

  • Presented as One-Way Street and this should never have permeated the medical system as “common knowledge.”
  • One way street is not the way it works – it’s a multi-directional system.
  • People are organisms that react to their environment and DNA can be changed by reactions to the environment.
  • The work of Nobel Prize winner, Barbara McClintock, back in the 1960s showed that DNA changes according to environmental conditions.
  • We are taught to believe our genes cannot change and we cannot do anything about them.
  • This should never have grown to become a “commonly accepted knowledge.” It’s, in fact, a common and deadly mistake.
  • This has caused oncologists, for example, to say “you’ve got bad genes” which leaves you feeling helpless.
  • It’s the bad CONDITIONS of the internal environment that we should be most concerned about.

52:00 to 59:00 Ivermectin. “Nobody has a deficiency of Ivermectin.”
59:00 to 1:04:00 How the human genome has been misrepresented.

  • We are not just genomes. We are interdependent with bacteria without which we would die.
  • We need to understand this more deeply and the conditional requirements for both us and our needed bacteria to maintain a healthy system.
  • There is a wholeness we must address and manage.

1:04:00 to 1:19:00 Covid “curing” protocols proposed by various doctors.

  • What are they doing?
  • Why do people get sick in the first place?
  • Why do children get sick so often?

Mark and Sam outline the few key reasons why people get sick, what “illness” represents and strategies to eliminate symptoms.

  • Too many calories and eating too much
  • Nutrient deficiency in spite of eating too much
  • Lack of exercise
  • The influence of negative thoughts and being unhappy, the lack of spiritual health and blaming a boogie man rather than myself and my choices
  • Practical protocols people can follow to maintain health and to overcome illness symptoms

1:19:00 to 1:28:00 Discussing why the Terrain Paradigm is being ignored by the mainstream media and medical establishment and the censorship of it by some within the health freedom community – and how that is changing. Further discussion about being near the tipping point for the No Virus Paradigm being more broadly accepted.
1:28:00 to 1:35:00 Aging well, having beautiful skin and the role of forgiveness for health.
1:35:00 to 1:37:00 The economic impact the No Virus Paradigm may have on society. Main points:

  • We should first look at the the negative economic impact allopathic medicine is having on our economy NOW.
  • People are getting sicker while very few at the top benefit at the expense of the majority.
  • A discussion of the full title of the book Virus ManiaHow the medical industry continually invents epidemics making billion dollar profits at our expense.

1:37:00 to 1:41:00 Where more health research work needs to be done with Toxicology in particular.

  • Discussion of Polio/DDT fraud perpetrated on us and a recommended video HERE.
    • Plus polio as a collection of symptoms that the medical establishment merely changes the names for.
  • How changing labels and definitions is a key technique to keeping the public confused and submissive.
  • The fiction of “viruses” as the greatest excuse & false cover story used for tyrannical government actions.

To learn more from Drs. Mark & Sam Bailey go HERE.

If you are brand new to this discussion please review this beginners study guide.


6:51 pm on March 6, 2023