
272. The Food Police State

Joel Salatin talks to Lew about Big Agra authoritarianism, and how to emancipate yourself.

Read a transcript of this podcast

Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm website


271. The Vaccination Conspiracy

Patricia Finn talks to Lew Rockwell about being targeted by the regime for her legal defense of parents who oppose government-mandated injections.

Read a transcript of this podcast


270. Worst of All Possible Worlds

Lew Rockwell on RT’s Capital Account says stock markets and beige books are all done for the elites. In cahoots with the State, oligarchs like Buffett crush entrepreneurs and leave the rest of us with inflation, price controls, and declining standards of living.

269. One Complicated Mess of Trouble

Eric Margolis talks with Lew Rockwell about imperial meddling in Syria, Libya, Iran, Israel, Gaza, Afghanistan, China and Africa.


268. Ron Paul Has Won the Future

No rigged election can change that, Lew tells RT.


267. ‘Survival Mom’

Lisa Bedford talks to Lew Rockwell on how to prepare your family for everyday disasters and worst-case scenarios.


266. Who Gets the Old Maid?

Gary North talks to Lew Rockwell about the euro crisis and us.


265. The System Is Paralyzed

and the markets may be about to turn off the iron lung. David Stockman talks to Lew Rockwell about how the financial crisis is about to get even worse.

Read a transcript of this podcast

The Forgotten Cause of Sound Money – [The 2011 Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture, given on 12 March 2011 at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama. [1:07.45]


264. Red and Blue and Broke All Over

Charles Goyette talks to Lew Rockwell about the hole we’re in and how to climb out of it.


263. Imperial Domination Over a Nation of Sheep

Mark Carbonaro of KION Monterey, CA, asks Lew Rockwell about our indoctrination camps, our dictator president, and our forced medication through fluoride.


262. Free Yourself from the Regime

Gerald Celente talks to Lew Rockwell about the moral and economic responsibility of every individual in these times.

Read a transcript of this podcast


261. The Real Crash

Peter Schiff talks to Lew Rockwell about America’s coming bankruptcy and how to save yourself.

Peter Schiff: Archives

The Peter Schiff Show: Weekdays 10am-12pm EST

Peter Schiff: facebook

Peter Schiff’s company: Euro Pacific Capital Inc


260. Liberty: The Forgotten Cause?

From a 1998 Rothbard-Rockwell Report conference – Ron Paul challenges all individuals who want a free society to work for it, as the State schemes war with Iraq. A classic!


259. Let’s Talk About Freedom

Brian Wilson of WSPD interviews Lew Rockwell on the Ron-Rom fun.

Brian Wilson: LRC Archives


258. We’re All Lawbreakers Now

Mr. X talks to Lew Rockwell about America’s injustice system.


257. Ron Paul: ‘US Is Slipping Into a Fascist System’

Lew Rockwell talks to RT about authoritarian America.



256. Banksters vs. the People

Lew Rockwell talks with Lauren Lyster and Demetri Kofinas at RT’s Capital Account about the economic problems the big banks and politicians create.


Tess Pennington: Don’t Just Survive, Thrive

Lew talks with Tess Pennington about how to make the most of your survival resources.

254. Ron Paul and the Youth Revolution

Ron Paul talks to Lew Rockwell about who’s resisting the wars, the executive dictatorship, and the fed.


253. Secret Police Murder and Cover-Up

Jesse Trentadue talks to Lew Rockwell about the torture-murder of his brother, Kenneth, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and a highly suspicious sting operation.

Read a transcript of this podcast

Kenneth Michael Trentadue: website


252. Police State USA

Lew Rockwell talks to Will Grigg on the militarist de-civilization of America.


251. Right-Fascism vs. Left-Fascism

Lew Rockwell talks to RT about the World Economic Forum and the World Social Forum.



250. Ron Paul vs. Democratic Dictatorship

Lew Rockwell talks to Mark Carbonaro of KION Monterey, California, about freedom, democracy, the runaway executive, and the man who wants to rein it in.

Mark Carbonaro on Fox News Radio 1460 AM


249. Power Elite Doings

Lew Rockwell talks to Bob Wenzel about Ron Paul, the establishment, government insider-trading, and the scary economic future.


248. Tough on Crime? No, Tough on Freedom

Lew Rockwell talks to Bill Anderson on the American injustice system.


247. Why We Get Fat: And What To Do About It

Lew Rockwell talks to Gary Taubes on how to get thin by disobeying the Department of Agriculture and the medical establishment.

Gary Taubes website


Heil Santorum

Brian Wilson of WSPD interviews Lew Rockwell on politics: the neocon fascist Santorum vs. the libertarian Ron Paul, and fears about irregularities in Iowa.


245. The Real History of Third Parties

Lew Rockwell talks to Charles Burris about political revisionism (and a little Kennedy assassination revisionism, too).

Charles A. Burris: Archives

The CIA and The Media Article by Carl Bernstein


244. Two Important Works On War Revisionism

John Denson, editor of The Costs of War, talks to Lew Rockwell about Nothing Less Than War and Freedom Betrayed.

John V. Denson: Archives



242. Resisting the State

Lew Rockwell talks to Brian Wilson about people waking up, educating themselves, and getting down to peaceful resistance.