The Real “Watergate” Spying Scandal of Obama’s Administration

The Watergate break-in was part of a nutty scheme to spy on the DNC via wiretapping.

There is a new Watergate scandal staring us in the face, and it is not that Trump and company had conversations with Russians or that Putin swung the election to Trump or that he or his men hacked the DNC. There is no evidence that the Russians interfered with the hallowed American democratic process or that they even hacked the DNC. There is no evidence that conversations or meetings of Trump’s sidekicks with Russians were anything that compromised the U.S. government.

The new Watergate arises from the documented fact that Obama loosened the rules for who had access to incidental intelligence. He allowed the spread of “wiretapping” (to use an old term) to his associates and throughout his administration. This material could then be used for political purposes of him and his associates against opposition forces.

This very important allegation is made in this brief article. See also this article and this one.

We know that the fake case and innuendoes against Trump and his associates have been deftly supported by well-timed and well-managed leaks of communications that could only have been obtained by means of the techniques available to the U.S. spy agencies. We know that as 2016 drew to a close, Obama made every effort to spread the communications further and declassify them. It certainly is a scandal of first-order importance that a coup is being conducted against a newly-elected president in this fashion or with this fundamental support. This is a scandal that far dwarfs Watergate in importance since it actually does go to the heart of the democratic process.

The attack on Trump is diverting attention from the real scandal that involves Obama, his directives and his administration’s use of material that should never have been collected in the first place. Obama oversaw a kind of Watergate break-in squared, cubed or raised to an even higher power.

The worsening of political fighting in our government and the ratcheting up of the underhanded means being used in Washington reminds one of something out of Roman history, as its government became less and less attached to its traditional rule of law moorings. The illegal, immoral and evil poison of attacking Iraq among other countries is in the Washington blood and in the blood of its handmaiden press. It’s always been there, disguised as beneficent domestic programs introduced by a noble government, not seen for the malevolent domestic hegemony that it is. Now that same poison is beginning to tear Washington itself apart.


9:17 am on April 1, 2017