No Chemical Weapons Attack Was Coming

Reuters adds new information today. I quote the article:

“The intelligence that prompted the administration’s warning to Syria this week was ‘far from conclusive,’ said a U.S. official familiar with it. ‘It did not come close to saying that a chemical weapons attack was coming,’ the official said.

“The intelligence consisted of a Syrian warplane being observed moving into a hangar at the Shayrat airbase, where U.S. and allied intelligence agencies suspect the Assad government is hiding chemical weapons, said a second U.S. official.”

Two U.S. government insiders say that the White House had no evidence to suggest a chemical attack, really none whatsoever, because the movement of an airplane into a hangar is certainly not such evidence. Such movements are an every day occurrence at an airbase during a war.

Mattis (U.S. Secretary of Defense) proves himself unscrupulous with his comment: “It appears that they took the warning seriously. They didn’t do it.” How can Mattis or anyone in their right mind say truthfully that the Syrians took a warning seriously when there was no evidence that they were planning a chemical attack in the first place? Mattis showed the mark of a true shyster when he added: “I think that Assad’s chemical program goes far beyond one airfield.”

In other words, he’s saying to us: “So what if we have no evidence at Shayrat and I can’t back up the White House’s warning? Assad has his chemicals elsewhere at other locations.”

Can he prove that? Does he have evidence of that? The evidence points all in the opposite direction because Syria’s chemical weapons have been destroyed under supervision by outside agents.

Mattis is known to have a huge grudge against Iran, as many articles attest. He wants to separate Syria from Iran’s influence. This is the reason why he is now lying to Americans and the world.

It is a fact that politicians are able to build support and gain scope for their nefarious deeds by establishing a foundation of lies. This is a strong argument for severely limiting their powers and monitoring their every move. The extant adulation of big government and its programs does the opposite.


2:01 pm on June 28, 2017