Two Assassination Attempts Against Same Former President in Two Months, But It's Trump, So No Big Deal

Plus a bunch of other things that recently went through my head and into the keyboard

Watch the media run as quickly as they can from the second attempt on Trump’s life in 65 days, just as they did from the first one.

I have no doubt that even if either of the two attempts had been successful, our cultural leaders would have moved on in short order.

Nothing to see here! Democracy saved! Karma for fascists! By the way, Taylor Swift, Alyssa Milano, Megan Thee Stallion, Ibram X. Kendi, and Jonathan Van Ness to be named to senior policy-making positions in Harris cabinet! Utopia is almost here!!! Be joyful!

Oh, no! X/Twitter is a “Pro-Trump Machine”!!

The Kennedy Autopsy 2:... Hornberger, Jacob Buy New $7.95 (as of 06:17 UTC - Details) (Please do refrain from noticing that everything else in the media is a Pro-Harris Machine, including the “moderators” at last week’s debate…)

A guide for your next eight years:

Although the president of the United States is a demonstrably underqualified black female far leftist, this is not—I repeat, NOT!—evidence that America has in any way shape or form become less racist than it was in 1860.

Au contraire, mon frère/ma soeur/my gender-neutral sibling of indeterminate sex!

Remember how it worked under Obama? The very fact that there will be disagreement with Comrade Harris’s policies is itself hard evidence that THERE IS STILL SO MUCH RACIAL JUSTICE WORK TO BE DONE ™1, and white supremacy is still stalking the land!

Only when all leadership positions in the country are occupied by far leftist non-whites can we even begin thinking about the possible tip of Utopia’s nose barely showing on the horizon. And even then, we will have to be rigorously on the lookout for the insidious and evil influence of people who kind of liked the America of 1976 more than the America of now.

Hate has no home here!

Trump had only two jobs in the debate last week:

  1. Note every Harris lie (and there were a lot of them) and call them such in his response, and then
  2. Explicitly remind the audience in each case how the “moderators” endlessly fact-checked him and never once indicated to the audience when Harris lied, which was essentially every time she opened her mouth.

He had only this to do, and he failed to do it.

Even just one extended commentary along these lines would have been enough: “You insist on lying constantly, Vice-President Harris, on saying things that anyone who just looks at the world or does 10 seconds of online research will know are not true, and you are completely confident in your cynicism that many, many people will not make even a minimal effort to evaluate the truth or falsity of what you say, and you know full well that the entire mass media apparatus—including the two people serving as “moderators” tonight—is complicit with you in this campaign of lies, and you want to govern the country based on this regime of lies and media complicity in lies. How do you sleep at night, knowing that you are contributing to the demolition of a formerly great country?

He’d better get himself far away from crazy people like this, and quickly if he has any designs on winning in November. A lot of Americans—this one included—are not going to consider voting for somebody who pals around with “9/11 was an inside job” crackpots.

I’m sorry. I want neither a Vice President nor a President who sits down for a TV interview wearing what appear to be black jeans and Chuck Taylors. This is not how a serious person projects seriousness. (And why is the interviewer wearing house slippers? What the hell has gone wrong with this society? Is the end game everybody in pajamas all the time?) The Assassination of P... Corsi Ph.D., Jerome R. Best Price: $18.63 Buy New $23.99 (as of 06:17 UTC - Details)

Just listen to the content here. She’s got nothing. It’s just repetition of the same cliches and empty rhetoric (“ambitions”! “opportunity!”), and a firm commitment to make no cuts to the existing massive government payouts while adding still more spending (to e.g., pay off student loans and to publicly subsidize the building of many millions more houses that buyers will purchase with the aid of a $25,000 federal grant, with the guarantee that many of those people purchasing these homes will be in no financial condition to pay off a mortgage and so will eventually default—see 2009).

So the deficit will continue to swell astronomically. The left’s refusal ever to consider what comes eventually from spending far more than the country makes would be a fatal flaw in a population of informed and competent voters. In the US, though, it’s going like gangbusters. “Look, one of the candidates says she will give me a bunch of free stuff! I guess I know who I’m voting for!”

Note too the Comrade’s manner, facial expressions, the utter calm she exudes. This is of course not because she knows what she is talking about. I doubt even she believes that. It’s because she knows there is not the slightest chance she will ever be challenged by these people.

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