How To Buy Hydroxychloroquine

Gary North:

On the COVID front, I found a great source for Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and you can order today!

You may remember the group of doctors that stood on the front steps of the Capitol and were dubbed the “White Coat Doctors.” They were determined to tell the world that COVID was no worse than past flu.

They also published a lot of info on HCQ and how it basically gets rid of COVID-19. To make it available to everyone, they’ve set up a way for anyone to order HCQ for either Covid-19 preventive reasons or even to fight it if you have symptoms.

You simply go to their web site, click on “Book your consultation now” in the red box and fill out the patient information and submit. A physician will call you, ask a few questions and then a pharmacy ships the HCQ directly to your home.

It costs $90 for the phone consult with the doctor, which is a fairly inexpensive doctor’s visit these days. Then about $70 or so for a six-month supply. Also a good deal, especially all things considered.

I think it is a no-brainer to have a supply of HCQ in your home. And for those who are older, or have compromised immune systems, this could be huge if you do contract COVID-19.

FYI–When on their website, don’t put dashes in your phone number! I spent 10 minutes trying to get the site to accept my info before realizing I had to type in the phone number without spaces or dashes for it to work! 🙁

