2nd Opinion on Clinton Doc’s Report

Writes a friend:


I forwarded my friend (a practising radiologist) Dr Wolf’s analysis of Hillary’s health (linked on your Political Theatre blog).

This is what he texted back to me:

[begin quote]

I think he is focused on minutiae. Can do a combo etc. The real test I care about is her brain MRI. I want her brain MRI. I bet it shows an old stroke from her thrombosis. You can do a Ct calcium score / combo with a CTA and a non-con Ct chest and call it one study. We do that all the time. It misses the boat. What brain damage she has that causes seizures, coughing fits, aspiration, and visual problems is the thing I want to know about. I’d put the money she had a stroke affecting her visual area or brainstem. And the problem is the clot can go away but the way body fixed it elevates risk for all sorts of other problems, such as av fistula, more strokes, brain bleed etc. She belongs in a retirement community.

[end quote]
