Why Should Leviathan Coerce Us When Our Families Can?

It’s old news that Uncle Joe Brandon and his gang of commies have been threatening to compel all of commercial aviation’s passengers to submit to the Jab to exercise the “privilege” of flying.

Astoundingly, forcing folks to run the TSA’s gauntlet of sexual assault and humiliation has not yet destroyed American airlines. I guess a “mandate” to court death via Jab is Brandon’s attempt to complete the job. 

At any rate, an article that Monnie Matthews forwarded explains,

For months, Fauci [sic for “Falsi”] and a cabal of Democrats on Capitol Hill called for the Biden regime to impose vaccine requirements for domestic travelers ahead of the holidays to turn up pressure on those who have been on the fence. But those requirements never materialized despite assurances by the White House that the option has always been “on the table.”

And why hasn’t this utterly tyrannical abuse “materialized”? Because, according to an anonymous “source close to Fauci [sic for Pinocchio]”

they decided they could leverage family gatherings to “coax” people to get vaccinated.

“Ridicule and anger are powerful tools within a family,” my source said. “The best way to make people feel like a black sheep is to get them in front of their family in a group setting. We’re playing the odds. In a standard family gathering, there will be more properly vaccinated than not.”

Is there no limit to Marxists’ wickedness? Can you imagine fiends so degenerate they expect and, indeed, encourage families to visit “ridicule and anger” on one another instead of love?

A second source confirmed this Satanic ploy:

I don’t know if it played a role in Biden’s decision but I can tell you there’s a campaign in the works to encourage people to ‘educate’ their vaxx-skeptic family members during Thanksgiving and Christmas … It’s funny because they’re saying our best ‘advocate’ to promote the vaccine is the guy who already got vaccinated.”

Thank you, Marxists, for dividing families as thoroughly as you have friends, acquaintances, and society.

Meanwhile, the good folks at thelibertydaily advise Patriots on countering this tactic:

…be as educated on the facts surrounding Covid-19 and the injections as possible.  … we can warn [our friends and relatives] that medical tyranny will affect them with the increasing push for booster shots. Today, they’re pushing for a third jab. Tomorrow, it will be a fourth. In time, people will only be able to maintain their coveted “fully vaccinated” status by getting regular injections of experimental drugs that have had no long-term studies done and that have already demonstrated massive numbers of adverse reactions, including at least tens of thousands of deaths.

The Biden regime wants to use the holidays as an opportunity to let family members pressure the unvaccinated into getting the jabs. If we’re better educated, we can turn the tables on them by showing why even the “fully vaccinated” of today need to join us in the fight against the mandates. 

I disagree entirely. COVID has become a cult (and arguably always has been). Its adherents are immune to logic, reason, and evidence. You are unlikely to persuade any of them via rational arguments. You should neither demand this of yourself nor feel defeated when you fail to effect it.

You may still want to educate yourself: understand exactly how harmful these shots are to the human body, how many people they’ve slaughtered and how many others they’ve maimed (and a wealth of resources on precisely those topics is available here at LRC). Hopefully, this gruesome knowledge will strengthen you in the face of your family’s displeasure. If pressed, you can certainly share such wisdom with them, but don’t expect it to change their minds (or what’s left of those minds after the spike protein has wreaked its damage). 

Meanwhile, some of us die of mortification when anyone—even a stranger, let alone our nearest and dearest—frowns at us; others couldn’t care less. If you fall into the former category and your relatives are committed cultists, you may want to skip the family’s get-together this year.

Bonus: you’ll spare yourself that special agony that only the TSA can (legally) inflict. 


12:32 pm on November 18, 2021