Victory in One Skirmish of the Mask Wars!

Ocala Mayor Kent Guinn has vetoed the City Council’s emergency mask ordinance.

And why? 

“Most want me to veto it. Probably 99 plus percent,” Guinn said.

Meanwhile, Sal Fariello had been hot on Guinn’s case. He emailed him several times last week along the following lines:

Dear Mr. Guinn:

I am writing to you to encourage you to veto the recently passed Ocala mask ordinance. Pursuant to my request I am enclosing a copy of a medical article that recently appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine titled Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era. 

In relevant part I quote: 

“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.” 

The article concludes by stating that masks essentially serve the function of being little more than a psychological “feel good pill” to “treat” fear and anxiety about germs. The authors conclude by saying that: “it is difficult to get clinicians to hear this message in the heat of the current crisis.”

As you undoubtedly know, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the U.S. Surgeon General initially insisted that masks do not work. They both reversed that position under political pressure because the hysteria associated with fear of infection compels a lot of people in official capacities to appear to be “doing something” to protect the public.

…What we have going on right now is tantamount to mass psychosis arising out of an irrational fear of germs and fear of an infection that is demonstrably less severe than some very bad influenzas the world has coped with very rationally in the past. All this present irrational terror has been stoked by complicit media that have whipped the public into a state of trembling fear of a health “threat” which is no threat at all to 99.8% of the population. 

Up until now, Ocala has been a bastion of sanity in a world gone crazy. If you knuckle under to your critics and sign the mask ordinance, you will be participating in stoking the flames of hysteria. Mayor Guinn, if you sign the ordinance, will you be doing so being quite sure that all the studies which show that face masks can depress the immune system are wrong? Are you sure that you will not be making things worse for most people in the long run? Are you quite certain that face masks will do what not one manufacturer of any masks is willing to certify they can do, that is, stop the spread of viruses? 


Sal Fariello

Sal’s professional credentials persuade politicians and bureaucrats to heed him. “But not mine!” you wail. “So what can I do to counteract this madness?” Notice the reason Guinn cites for his refusal: “Most want me to veto it. Probably 99 plus percent…”

How many folks do you know? How many can you convince to reject the totalitarianism so rapidly consuming us, even if by nothing more than your example? You are far more influential and powerful than you realize. It was rebels like us turning out to fight the Redcoats who won the first Revolution.

This one is arguably even more essential to freedom.


10:27 am on August 11, 2020