Vices Are Not Crimes

From: Edmund
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2020 6:22 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Ancap society

Dear Walter,

You mention that libertarianism is about what should be “legal” and not what is moral. What is the distinction between the two and what is the purpose of the distinction? I would argue that the no aggression principle is a moral argument rather than legal, because even in a stateless/rothbardian society where no “laws” exist, people still follow the NAP as it is the moral framework of the society.

Thanks in advance


Dear Edmund:

Libertarian law prohibits murder, rape, theft, kidnapping, violations of the non aggression principle; these are to be punished by force. Morality opposes these too. But, morality also opposes drunkenness, laziness, disrespect for parents, which, at least according to libertarianism, are not to be punished by the use of violence.

Best regards,



2:18 am on August 28, 2020