The Election’s Thieves Condemn Themselves Out of Their Own Mouths

Well, well, well: seems we “conspiracy theorists” were right. Time Magazine has published a confession in which the thieves who stole the election actually brag about their methods, the enormous number of Progressive culprits, and their quashing of facts and dissent in favor of propaganda. Naturally, Time and the commies quoted in the piece gush that they “saved” “democracy.” They’re revealing their coup because these sick puppies consider themselves heroes (and probably chuckle that Americans are too cowardly and too stupid to come after them). They also hope to convince Dimocratic voters that the franchise doesn’t work without superior intellects such as theirs overseeing it:

Every attempt to interfere with the proper outcome of the election was defeated,” (emphasis added) but “it’s massively important for the country to understand that it didn’t happen accidentally. The system didn’t work magically. Democracy is not self-executing.” Chilling words.

I extracted that from a summary of the lengthy article that Yvonne Lorenzo sent; here’s the mea culpa itself. 

More evidence to file away for the Revolution. Every Marxist Time names is an avowed enemy of liberty and of our country.


12:50 pm on February 6, 2021