. . . in their perfected vote fraud operation for the November election to have two nutjob communists as their presidential and vice presidential candidates. Not even a pretense of being “middle of the road” where most voters are. Proud socialists, de-funders of the police, condoners of riots, haters of America and most Americans, promoters of the destruction of the rule of law with Soros prosecutors, idol worshippers of transvestites, taxpayer-funded mutilation of “trans” children, destroyers of cities like Minneapolis, sworn enemies of the First and Second Amendments, proponents of ninth month abortions at will . . . The commie governor of Minnesota was calling Trump a “fascist” who would “destroy American democracy” two days after he was shot, implying that he deserved it.
Female Bernie Sanders in a skirt minus 100 I.Q. points and “Bernie Sanders in hunting gear” according to a former Republican governor of Minnesota.
6:38 am on August 7, 2024