The Deep State Onslaught Has Commenced Against Oliver Stone and ‘JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass

The vicious piranhas of the woke blogosphere and the establishment mainstream regime media have been unleashed to savagely attack and eviscerate Oliver Stone’s new documentary, ‘JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass’.

This seething spectacle will attempt to demonize Stone and his latest heroic endeavor to speak to power and reveal the deep subterranean truth concerning the seminal event of November 22, 1963 — that the insidious coup d’état by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson and the highest echelons of the National Security State was accomplished with the brutal murder of President John F. Kennedy. What happened on that fateful Friday in Dallas fifty-seven years ago led to the single most important series of events affecting the subsequent history of our nation. It lies at the inner most depth, the dark clotted heart, of what observers now describe as the deep state.


9:59 am on July 13, 2021