The Conservative China Problem

There have been some excellent articles on LRC recently about China (Ron Paul on August 1 & Tim Swanson on July 22). Many conservatives, however, still have a China problem. Even real conservatives like Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin. He is upset that Bush is attending the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Baldwin writes:

For example, the Chinese government has already created profiles of thousands of foreign journalists coming to cover the Olympic games. Communist officials will also be spying on virtually every visitor from the moment they arrive in China. Red Army surrogates will monitor virtually all Internet activity. One Chinese security official vowed “to punish anyone who takes part in a political, religious or ethnic demonstration or protest ‘in any form’ at an Olympic site during the 2008 Beijing Games.”

But if the Olympics were held in the United States, wouldn’t we read:

For example, the American government has already created profiles of thousands of foreign journalists coming to cover the Olympic games. American officials will also be spying on virtually every visitor from the moment they arrive in America. American Army surrogates will monitor virtually all Internet activity. One American security official vowed “to punish anyone who takes part in a political, religious or ethnic demonstration or protest ‘in any form’ at an Olympic site during the 20?? American Games.”

Of course we would. Would I like to live in China? No. Do I approve of China’s “one child” policy? No. Do I approve of China’s human rights violations? No. Do I approve of China’s persecution of Christians? No. But as Ron Paul recently wrote about China: “Instead of lecturing China, where I have no doubt there are problems as there are everywhere, I would suggest that we turn our attention to the very real threats in a United States where our civil liberties and human rights are being eroded on a steady basis.”

Bill Anderson recently recommended Lew Rockwell’s 2007 column on China. I second his recommendation. In fact, it is must reading on the subject.

Update: from Chuck Baldwin’s “If I Were President“:

Speaking of China, it is time that we recognize the very serious
threat that China poses to the peace and security of the United
States. Our trade practices serve only to allow corporate America to
continue to invest in what will surely become an albatross around the neck of our well-being. We must discontinue the practice of allowing China to export its cheap products to the U.S. with no protection for America’s jobs and manufacturing, not to mention the lack of protection for our safety. This must stop, and it will stop when I become President. “Free trade” will no longer mean a free ride for Red China.


9:07 am on August 5, 2008