Thank You Lew for Courageously Publishing a Controversial Article Purporting to Explore the Truth Concerning J. D. Vance

What Is the Truth Concerning J. D. Vance?

Since the failed assassination attempt and the GOP nominating convention, Trump vp candidate J. D. Vance has emerged as a major target for the Democrats and their partisan fake news distortion phalanx in the legacy regime media.

They have latched upon the adjective “weird” directed toward Vance in a ubiquitous, lockstep, lemming-like effort to raise questionable doubts among the politically unsophisticated and naive about his character, core beliefs, associations, and viability as a candidate for the vice presidency.

This has emerged as one of the most virulent and heinous cases of “Confession Through Projection” (as such stalwart vigilant defenders of truth Robert Barnes and VivaFrei would assert in their defense of Vance and their assertions of his sterling character and record as a champion of populism and the Republic.)

Below is the article published today on LRC in question. It is one of the most cleverly drafted and comprehensive of such attacks. Are the allegations it puts forth true, factually verifiable? Or is it just the latest scurrilous example of the Big Lie technique perfected during the murderous Hitlerian regime in the bowels of the propaganda Ministery of Goebbels and Hippler?

Who’s Behind J. D. Vance? Is He a CIA Candidate?

The author is affiliated with The Kennedy Beacon, a project of

As LRC readers are quite aware, I am a strong supporter of the presidential candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in 2024, primarily because of his strong courageous stand against the deep state.

“RFK is challenging the despotic tyranny and regimentation of the governing elites composing the captured regulatory bureaucratic administrative state and its corrupt crony enablers, particularly in Big Pharma, the warmongers of the military industrial complex, and the invasive surveillance/intelligence deep state at the core of this infamy. He has spent most of his life engaged in this struggle against the sinister deep state forces that murdered his father Senator Robert F. Kennedy and his uncle President John F. Kennedy.

“The fact that this amazing, courageous man has been so criminally marginalized and cast into the outer darkness in regards to communicating to the American people about these crucial matters is one of greatest national disgraces I have encountered in my lifetime.”

So again I ask our LRC readership to reflect upon and investigate its  accuracy. Are the allegations the article puts forth true, factually verifiable?  Or is it a simply a disreputable partisan screed such as has been put forth against RFK Jr. for two decades?




9:25 am on August 2, 2024