Special issue of Studia Humana to be devoted to Libertarianism Part II

—–Original Message—–

From: mike carl

Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 10:00 AM

To: Professor Block <[email protected]>

Subject: RE: Studia Humana

Dr. Block,

Your initial post at LRC regarding an issue of Studia Humana was a call for scholastic papers.

I seek clarification on ‘scholastic’. Must the writer/submitter be in academia?

<<< No

Have a PhD?

<< No

Be a previously published scholar?


Does Studia Humana require a specific writing style or technique for acceptance? As in following the rules of Strunk and White?

<< Yes, but they will take care of this

Might the use of the ‘first person’ be acceptable?

<<< Yes

Might literary freedom be appreciated?

<<< I don’t know what this means. But, reading in between the lines, so to speak, I favor freedom, so, I guess I’ll appreciate this.

Are there any automatic disqualifiers for publication?

<<< Yes, if you don’t write about libertarianism. I don’t care if you write from the anarcho-capitalist, the minarchist, the classical liberal point of view, whether you are a thick or thin libertarian. My aim in this special issue is to promote libertarianism in all of its multitudinous splendor.

I have thoughts outlined to expand on, but I do not consider myself a scholar. I am an editor and a critic.

<<< That’s ok. I don’t care if you’re a plumber, or a computer nerd or a waitress, or …. I’ll only judge the quality of what you send me

And, while I have been steeped in Strunk and White as a technical writer for years, I find using the passive voice or saying ‘the author, or Mr. so-in-so, believes’ more awkward than using the ‘first person’.

<<< I don’t care about any of this. I’m only interested in substance.

I’m looking for some initial guidance.

<<< see above

I will expand my outline regardless of whether I submit. It, as always, will be an exercise to (re)examine my thoughts.

<<< Great

Thanks for all your efforts on behalf of Freedom.

<<< thanks for your thoughtful note to me.

Mike Carroll


11:21 am on March 12, 2020