Rudolf Jung – the Karl Marx of Hitler’s National Socialism?

“Rudolf Jung was an early National Socialist who wrote the first book on the movement (six years before Mein Kampf). He not only reveals the origins of the National Socialist movement, but he also shapes Hitler’s views and spells out their views and what they were trying to achieve. Jung wanted to be known as the ‘Karl Marx’ of National Socialism. In this video, we’ll take a look at Rudolf Jung’s life and book and see what we can learn from this.”

This is a fascinating and illuminating presentation on the early roots of the National Socialist movement and the seminal impactful influence of Rudolf Jung upon Hitler. After over 100 years, we are only now beginning to fully grasp the malignant origins this of deadly ideology, in order to understand its consequential impact in the Second World War, the later aspect of the Thirty Years War of the Twentieth Century.


4:54 pm on January 15, 2025