Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke

(Thanks to Marc Gallagher)


12:00 pm on March 24, 2009

Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke

(Thanks to Travis)


7:40 am on February 27, 2009

Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke

Here is Ron’s opening statement (YouTube) during the Bernanke hearings. He is the only one, as usual, who speaks truth to power. As Ron argues in his books, central banking is an economic, political, and moral evil.

One reason the Establishment-beloved Milton Friedman was not a libertarian, though he was a free marketeer in a number of ways, was his total devotion to central banking and the Federal Reserve, in theory and practice. (Thanks to John Lavis for the URL.)


12:30 pm on February 27, 2008

Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke

Ron speaks truth to power on the moral hazard called the Fed, its depreciation of the dollar, its redistribution to Wall Street, its business cycles, its ripping off of the average guy.

(Thanks to John Lavis.)


12:59 pm on September 20, 2007

Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke

Ron is the one person in DC to understand monetary economics, and to take on the central bank and its depredations. (And thanks to Daniel Coleman.)

Part I

Part II


10:28 am on July 20, 2007