Re: The LP Masses

Ralph and Lew: The 1980 comment from the LP Delaware contingency was such a contrast with the comment made by the current New Mexico chairman – who, in announcing his state’s votes – prefaced his words with “New Mexico, the state in which the atomic bomb was developed . . .” Perhaps he was being satirical, but it didn’t appear so.

The 1980 LP presidential candidate, Ed Clark, was reportedly asked whether he supported conscription. He answered “yes,” while the Republican candidate, Reagan, gave a firm “no” response, saying that conscription was inconsistent with a free society. I believe it was this same year that someone called up a local Libertarian Party office in the Los Angeles area, seeking a speaker who could speak to a group on the topic of “liberty.” The caller was reportedly told “this is an election year; we don’t have the time to spend on ideas.”


1:28 pm on May 29, 2016