RE: A Different Take On Tulsi Gabbard’s Flawed But Heroic Campaign

Charles, I appreciate your thoughtful post.  JFK and Barry would have been something had they pulled that off, and no wonder it didn’t happen!

Can’t disagree that Tulsi was heroic at many times. Her puncture of the Kamala Harris bubble was wonderful.  The endorsement of Biden and its timing I’ll never get, even while the chameleon Warren seems to still be fighting for leverage two weeks after leaving the race.  (It will be very strange if Warren ends up being the only one not to make an endorsement.)  I get the speculation that Tulsi’s endorsement may be the price for the reluctant approval of the Chris Wallaces, Bret Baiers, and Dana Perinos (not to mention various execs) for contributorship at Fox, where she can be a weekly face for years to come.  Maybe a trivial price, but what if it–like so much in media–doesn’t end up happening?

In the end, the Democratic base is another problem if not the ultimate one: Tulsi should have done much better.  It will certainly deserve the empty suit it gets.


8:30 pm on March 19, 2020