Pedophilia Redux

A Capri Sun juice pouch mistakenly left in a 10-year-old San Diego girl’s carry-on handbag led a TSA agent to subject the girl to almost two minutes of frisking and extra screening that lasted about an hour, her father said.”

Said father filmed his daughter’s molestation and posted the video. How anyone, let alone a parent, can watch this horrific violation and ever fly again, I have no idea. The deliberate, repeated fondling ought to rouse every American to fury and rebellion against Our Rulers.

Alas, those tyrants can rest easy: the victim’s father typifies the sheeple. First, the proper response to a predator’s rubbing your 10-year-old daughter’s chest and rear end is a punch in the nose, not “ke[eping] calm, wav[ing] to his daughter, and ma[king] funny faces at her to keep things light.” Failing swift and physical defense from the assailant, one grabs one’s daughter and leaves. (Better yet, one takes neither himself nor his kids anywhere near an airport, knowing that pedophiles curse them now and that such nauseating abuse is likely.)

But Pops wonders if he might be “overreacting” because “deep down I was absolutely fuming.” Hey, she isn’t even my daughter, and I’m absolutely fuming. What sort of parent puts his child within reach of  the TSA and then stands by to watch the abuse? Worse, he knew his little girl was in torment: “‘She just had a completely blank stare on her face … I could tell it was very uncomfortable for her.'” I thank God my own father would die before ever allowing such an atrocity to befall me.

Nor are Pops’ other reactions  more heartening. I’m a very big proponent of security, and if they were patting me down no problem, but this was a 10-year-old girl…” Pops may consider himself a fan of “security,” but he knows nothing about it if he thinks the TSA’s attacks on passengers have anything whatever to do with protecting aviation. And he knows nothing about the State, either. If it’s overweening enough to “pat down [sic for ‘gate-rape’]” adults, it will gate-rape little girls, too.

Men like Pops are precisely why the advent of the second American Revolution is taking such a danged long time. But the acerbic, outraged, and astute comments so many of you sent along with links to this story give me hope we may not have to wait much longer…


3:14 pm on January 6, 2016