Peace Officers?

Today is Peace Officers Memorial Day. In 1962, President Kennedy “proclaimed May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week of the 15th as Police Week, which also honors those who serve and protect us.”  I suppose that some churches will have a special service this Sunday. Or perhaps they had one last Sunday. I won’t be observing the day. Why? Cops are not peace officers and they don’t serve and protect us. It is that simple. Perhaps they were at one time and perhaps they did at one time. Perhaps in some rural areas of the country they still are and still do. But the vast majority spend most of their time fighting the drug war and issuing revenue tickets (sometimes called traffic tickets), not keeping the peace and not serving and protecting us. Oh, but they didn’t make the laws. They are just enforcing them. Yea, just like guards at concentration camps were just doing their jobs.

Today is also National Chocolate Chip Day. Perhaps it should have been designated National Doughnut Day to coincide with Peace Officers Memorial Day.

On the evil doings of the police, see the archives of Will Grigg and John Whitehead. That is all you need.

Thanks to T.H.


9:28 am on May 15, 2015