Over Sixty Years of Fake News — And Its Consequence

In the sixty years that have passed since I began attending elementary school, through the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the JFK assassination, Vietnam, the assassinations of Malcolm X, MLK, and RFK, the Watergate Scandal, massive continuous inflation and the collapse of the Keynesian economic paradigm, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, the 1980 October Surprise Scandal, disastrous interventions in Central America, Africa, and the Middle East, the Iran-Contra Scandal, the Balkan Wars, the Clinton Impeachment, 9/11, the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, up to the Trump RussiaGate hoax, the two Trump impeachments, and the 2020 theft of the presidential election by the decrepit usurper Biden — Why would anyone believe anything these bastards tell us?

Authoritative researchers such as Peter Dale Scott and Robert Barnes have attempted to shine light on these deep events that have dramatically affected and shaped our common history and the tragic course our collective lives have been forced and manipulated.

Through it all the establishment corporate media of presstitutes and regime stenographers have piled lie upon duplicitous lie, as craven adjuncts of the deep state.

With the death of their paragon Walter Cronkite, the true collective face of the Establishment media was exposed once and for all. It was not the noble visage of an intrepid crusader for truth, but a sagging countenance, oily and obsequent by decades of lying and servility to their masters. But of course this is not how the press perceive themselves. They are not like you or me. They are a special class of beings. They are the Fourth Estate, an imaginary extension of the rigid class structure of pre-Revolutionary France from the Estates General.

In the Ancien Regime there was the clergy, the nobility, and lastly, the bourgeoisie and commoners.

The Fourth Estate see themselves on an equal par with the first two elevated classes, and above the third. It is the aristocratic notion that gentlemen and ladies of the press serve a vaunted “public interest,” and do not soil themselves with activities of a rank and sordid commercialism. Such endeavors would be a violation of their hoary journalistic ethics.

They have a public trust to enlighten the masses in their duties to their betters, those who compose the deep state and their adjunct servitors in the kept press.


11:43 pm on April 16, 2021