Neocon Lies About JFK

As with many of these “Prager University” videos, this one is very deceptive and disingenuous. John F. Kennedy was not the standard, stereotypical Cold Warrior neocon Larry Elder simplistically describes in the video. As with much in the presentation, he cherry picks and spins many disparate facts to recreate JFK as a conservative precursor to the sainted Ronald Reagan.

Let us examine his two primary lies about JFK in the video:

Lie #1   JFK was a conventional Cold War militarist whose foreign policies had the full support of the Pentagon and the intelligence establishment.

In point of fact, the deep state, the national security state, venomously hated JFK after the disastrous Bay of Pigs fiasco (and his firing of CIA director Allen Dulles) and after peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis (which they believed was one of the worst actions of his presidency.) They wanted a full scale invasion of Cuba. The Soviet forces stationed on Cuba had nuclear weapons prepared and had issued orders for local commanders to use them. Any invasion force would have triggered an atomic World War III. John Kennedy had saved the world from a destructive nuclear annihilation. Google [ Operation Northwoods ].

JFK’s Embrace of Third World Nationalists

This Jim DiEugenio article alone should put to rest once and for all the desperate and despicable lies about JFK’s views on foreign policy.

His June 1963 “Peace speech” at American University sealed his fate. In the speech JFK was calling for an end of the Cold War and for a nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviet Union. He later proposed at the United Nations a joint US-Soviet space project to the moon, and called for (and set in motion) policies for America to get out of Vietnam. Kennedy had established covert back-channel communications with Soviet premier Khrushchev and Cuban leader Castro to diffuse and lesson hostile tensions in an attempt to normalize relations in the direction of peaceful co-existence or detente.

In retaliation Kennedy was slated to be assassinated by the deep state.

For more on why and how the deep state murdered JFK and performed a coup d’état on November 22, 1963 , watch the authoritative, in-depth five part series at Youtube by Dougas Horne on the JFK assassination. Horne served on the staff of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) from August of 1995 through September of 1998, during the final three years of its limited four-year lifespan — and was promoted from a Senior Analyst position on the Military Records Team, to that of “Chief Analyst for Military Records,” halfway through his tenure at the ARRB.

Here is the series below:   

Lie #2   JFK was a supply side tax cutter in the image of Ronald Reagan.

As to Kennedy’s fiscal policy of tax cuts, this was proposed and implemented by Keynesians such as Walter Heller, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, who was pushing for a 12 billion cut. Kennedy tried to sell the $12 billion tax-cut to a reluctant congress. Congress passed the Kennedy tax program following his death. The economy immediately took off in a burst of prosperity. As a graduate of Harvard, Kennedy was an unabashed Keynesian. He surrounded himself with Keynesian economists from Harvard as his top economic advisers. Harvard had became the primary focal point of Keynesianism in America. JFK even appointed Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith as ambassador to India.

The Myth of JFK as Supply Side Tax Cutter

Keynes at Harvard

The ultimate tragedy is that tens of thousands of uninformed and ignorant persons, particularly those of high school or university age (the targeted YouTube audience), will take these “Prager University” videos as Gospel instead of the Pravda-like neocon propaganda they often really are. How many will do the essential independent research to test the authenticity or historical reliability put forth in them?

By the way, I am not some left-wing idiot liberal Democrat or SJW brain-dead progressive snowflake. I am simply a history teacher who still believes in historic truth and setting the historical record straight.


3:00 am on June 27, 2017