Lapdog Press Hysterics

We expect the Gloria Borgers  of the Lapdog Press to tremble with outrage at any challenge to the business-as-usual of the governing classes.  But this time they’ve gone completely hysterical over Trump’s reservation about accepting the legitimacy of the election results in advance of those results!

My morning paper leads with “Threatening to upend a basic pillar of American democracy, Republican Donald Trump refused Wednesdays night to say whether or not he would…”

Yada, yada, yada.

Never mind the voter fraud videos from Project Veritas.  Don’t they reveal a threat to the “basic pillars”?

But the usual suspects are frenzied on the talk shows.  And what about Hillary’s nuclear brinksmanship, policies that can lead to the incineration of millions of human beings?  Isn’t that more worthy of some indignation or outrage?

Apparently not.  She’s allowed her Russia-Putin-Kremlin mantra about which the USA Today story says, “Trump refused to accept U.S. intelligence reports that Russia is behind the cyberattacks that exposed emails from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta.”

But even the sketchy Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said,”We are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.”

Still, the Hillary Rules prevail among the hysterics of the Lapdog Press.  We knew they would.  But it has reached a level of Kafka-esque absurdity.


11:08 am on October 20, 2016