Ladies, Go Buy Something

Ah, “International Women’s Day” (BARF ALERT: the two specimens of femininity pictured at the link share about 400 pounds of excess flab between them. Not exactly the models I’d choose to illustrate “a kickass celebration where we remember what women all over the world have done… .” [Eat? To wild excess?] Nor would I pose them suggestively on a bed, leering at each other. I’d suspect this for a parody, except the commies behind IWD have no sense of humor).

You might think the stupidity of identity-based politics would penetrate even Progressives’ Marxist-befuddled brains. But no. Progs fervently believe that the characteristics with which we are born—attributes that no one can control, whether sex or color of skin—outweigh all other considerations, including character, ability and the inalienable rights every person owns by virtue of his humanity.

And so Progs aggressively push the sexist “International Women’s Day.” NPR’s affiliate here in New York City is playing classical music by female composers. Yep, it’s a stretch: not only are there very few, but no one’s ever heard of any of them aside from Clara Schumann and Fanny Mendelssohn. Could we just admit that people who happened to have been born male have pretty much blessed us with the riches of the Western canon and move on?

Since Progressivism is militant Marxism, IWD predictably attacks the market: “The organizers of the Women’s March are planning a general strike — A Day Without A Woman — … [for] International Women’s Day.” Among other inanities, they urge us to “[avoid] shopping for a day (with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses)…”

Ladies, how about a shopping-spree this afternoon? Let me suggest my novels, Halestorm and Abducting Arnold, both sold on a website owned by a guy, both benefitting this website, also owned by a guy. Even better, they’ll whisk you out of this Progressive hell and back to the American Revolution, when liberty rather than insanity reigned.


10:53 am on March 8, 2017