Distinctions Without Meaning

CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield has engaged in a great deal of hand-wringing this morning over the report that UN officials are being held captive in the Ukraine, a charge which, even if true, pales in significance to murderous attacks committed by American military forces against journalists in the Middle East. The Bush administration’s bombing and shelling of Al Jazeera facilities in Afghanistan in 2001 and 2003; the killing of an Iraqi journalist in Baghdad; and the imprisonment and torture of Al Jazeera reporters, are not recalled by the MSM. Nor has the American corporate-state forgiven Julian Assange for showing, on Wikileaks, the video of American gunship thugs killing civilian men, women, and children, along with Reuters’ journalists.

Pretending to be journalists, CNN has spent time this morning contemplating the “options” Obama has to “punish Russia” for doing what has long been U.S. policy in the Middle East.  And, of course, it has performed its obligatory task of comparing Putin to Hitler, a remnant of the grade-school thinking that has long been in use to characterize any foreign ruler against whom the U.S. wishes to extend its war-making.

At some point, I would think that even some of the guys at VFW or American Legion halls would catch on.


11:57 am on March 5, 2014