I have stated many times in my many articles on the drug war that the drug war corrupts law enforcement. Three cops in Kissimmee, Florida (south of Orlando where Disney World is located), have been suspended without pay for “official misconduct” after a video showed that they lied about what took place during a drug bust. The charges were dropped against the guy who was caught with marijuana. As they should have been, even without the cops lying. Possessing marijuana should not be a crime in the first place. Every police force in the country could probably be cut in half if the war on drugs were ended. Then cops could focus their attention on gambling and prostitution. Oh, wait a minute, those are victimless crimes like drug possession. I guess cops would actually have to start arresting people for real crimes with real victims.
N.B.: Yes, I know that some girls are forced into prostitution. I am not stupid. This is certainly a real crime. It’s only profitable because prostitution is illegal.
8:27 am on April 20, 2016