The Brainwashing of the Young

A 16-year-old girl wrote me today because a family member of hers approached her older brother (“who has shown interest in becoming a Marine and has made the decision to fight for his country and will be leaving  for Marine Boot camp in less then a year”) with a copy of my recent article, “The Military Is an Unholy Institution.” My article upset both her and her brother. I am not going to apologize for the article. They need to get upset. They need to get upset enough that they stop to think about this young man’s decision to join the Marines. Hundreds of Marines who have written to me over the years would say that joining the Marines is a terrible decision. I agree. And especially today’s LGBT, women in combat, politically correct Marine Corps. I don’t know if this girl went to a public school, but she is so brainwashed about the military that if I were going to write a parody of one of my articles about the military I could use her statements verbatim. Here are a few:

“Mr. Vance it seems you have ignored or forgotten that without the United States Military you would not be able to have the freedom to write.”

“These brave, courageous men and woman are risking their lives for your freedom.”

“Without these people you wouldn’t be able to have the freedom to voice your opinion.”

“America is the land of the free because of the brave. Our soldiers deserve to be honored and recognized! You need to be thankful for your freedom not take it for granted.”

“America is free, we are strong, we are a nation ruled by God. We are these things because of the people who fought for us. Who fight for us. Without them we would be lost, brooke [sic], and no where near as fortunate as we are.”

“I have so much respect and passion for them. I am so grateful for them, so grateful for my freedom, so grateful for my country. America is the land of the free because of the brave.”

Wouldn’t this girl make a great future Fox News host? What is so sad about all of this is that millions of American adults think the same, exact thing about the U.S. military. I don’t know if the family member who showed this girl’s brother my article did so to get him to question his decision to enlist. I hope so. One thing is for sure, I need to keep writing articles just like it until Americans’ opinions change, and especially the opinions of America’s conservative Christians. I have always told my wife that when my day of death comes she will find me in front of my computer writing an LRC article. I will do my part. Please do yours by helping to keep LRC alive until that day comes.

And not only is American not the land of the free because of its military, America is not even the land of the free.


3:47 pm on July 17, 2016