“Abridging … The Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble”

Just weeks after participating in a massive Black Lives Matter movement, 

in which he was noticeably and shockingly unmasked,

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti authorized the city to shut off the power and water to homes, businesses and other properties that hold “unauthorized” large gatherings.

That includes churches.

This new order could affect Grace Community Church, a megachurch led by Pastor John MacArthur, because it has defied the governor’s executive orders not to hold indoor worship services and not to sing.

The state has already threatened to slap the church with daily $1,000 fines, and officials have warned MacArthur that he could be arrested if he continues to hold services.

Yet there’s “good news,” as Teddy, who sent me this story, put it:

But MacArthur has not backed down and instead hired legal representation to fight California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s “unconstitutional” restrictions.

Yee haw! And what crackerjacks they are, too!

“The state has absolutely no power to impose the restrictions it is demanding,” Jenna Ellis, one of the attorneys representing the church, and one of President Donald Trump’s legal team members, said in a statement. “This is not about health and safety, it is about targeting churches.”

Amen! But isn’t it always? No matter what Leviathan’s excuse—health, safety, economics—isn’t it always about destroying freedom and the faith that gave us freedom, Christianity?

Garcetti claimed that law enforcement officers are having a difficult time shutting down gatherings where there are hundreds of people “breaking the law” by being together.

Ponder that. And then compare it to the First Amendment, which prohibits the government from “abridging … the right of the people peaceably to assemble.” as well as with dictatorships that have long prohibited Christians from meeting. 

“By turning off that power, shutting off that water we feel we can close these places down, which usually are not one-time offenders but multiple-offenders,” Garcetti said.

Talk about a multiple offender! Time to close Garcetti down.


2:33 pm on August 11, 2020