A Deeper Dive Into The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting

I’ve noticed that people have a number of misconceptions about intermittent fasting, such as being primarily for weight loss.

For many people this is probably true.

But intermittent fasting – and how to do it correctly – is so much more and has many additional potential benefits for our immediate and long-term health.

I grew up having severe digestive issues and not understanding why.

Back in the 1970s I made it a practice to fast for 36 hours out of each week. After my Wednesday evening meal I would not have anything other than water until my Friday lunch.

I learned a lot about fasting back then.

And one of the things I learned is it’s very important how one comes OUT of a fast.

For me, I learned it was important to consume more easily digestible foods for one or two meals upon ending the fast.

One time I came out of a fast and had a Friday lunch of delicious, very greasy fried chicken and then was sick all weekend.

Since then I’ve benefited terrifically from learning the advantages of fasting.

But still it took me years to learn how vitally important my “gut” is to my overall health – and how fasting can help.

Nowadays I practice intermittent fasting and I’ve learned the different ways that works best for me.

I continue to find this practice very beneficial.

HERE’S a great article that’ll introduce people to it.

This is a topic that’s worthy of your further study.


12:26 pm on August 13, 2024