To Catch a Nazi – The Village Voice

Writes Gail Appel:

The US/CIA love affair with Ukrainian Nazis is a long one.

Published in The Village Voice circa

1986 when Democrats upheld classically liberal values.

Hence, constantly hammering the societal collapse as the fault of “liberals” garners the same outrage as labeling all Conservatives, moderates, Independents, unaffiliated persons” racist, fascist, White Supremacist Nazis”.

The No Longer Democrat Party is unrecognizable, but the All Too Recognizable GOP lacks the savvy to lay out the case with effective, factual messaging. Trump, who was elected with a large faction of bipartisan voters by separating himself from the usual GOP messaging became exactly what he decried… and worse. He campaigned on the premise of expanding the tent and reached out to Democrats, minorities, religious, non-religious, young, middle-aged, elderly, poor, middle class, wealthy Americans. Americans who sought pragmatic ideas and solutions without the fragmentation, groupthink and forced ideological loyalty demands of either party. He reneged and cloistered himself with the worst of The Swamp, ignoring the diverse, grassroots movements. He threw hundreds of thousands of Democrats who crossed the aisle and did the hard work of getting him elected. He blew the opportunity to unite and end the status quo.

RFK Jr is far wiser.  He’s targeting the corrupt, disgraceful entities by name and historic backup. Not the voters. If he doesn’t cave.

