Strzok-Page texts

Writes Greg Privette:

Hi Lew,

Congratulations to you on 20 years of LRC. Like a lot of others, it is pretty much daily reading for me. I think the most important part of discovering LRC years ago was finding out there are actually quite a few others out there of the same school of thought.

I saw the post on the Political Theatre about the Strzok/Page texts. Since the beginning of this saga there are two aspects of the scandal that have really stuck with me.

One is the sheer volume of texts. I can no longer remember the exact number and time period but it seems like it was something like 50K of messages in a year to two time. I remember thinking at the time that without doing the actual math it seemed almost physically impossible. They had to be doing almost nothing else. When did they even have time to consummate the affair? Seems like they should be made to pay back their salaries, but it also brings to mind the famous Mencken quote “we should be glad we don’t get all the government we pay for”. With all the mischief they created as it is, think what they could have done with more time on their hands.

The other thing that stuck with me was the one text where Strzok was almost physically ill because he had to go into a Walmart somewhere in southern Virginia. He just couldn’t stand having to mix with the unwashed masses. I thought that message clearly showed how much disdain many of the government bureaucrats have for the lowly citizens who are milked to pay for their much higher than average standard of living. Just like other welfare queens they have a complete disconnect between their lively-hood and where the money actually comes from. Maybe instead of putting him in prison he should just be made to live in a trailer park or some government housing project and work at Walmart!
