Radical Republicans

Writes the Rev. Larry Beane:

Hi Lew:

This is not a historical quote, but comes from the screenplay “Gods and Generals” as said by Stonewall Jackson:

“If the Republicans lose their little war, they’re voted out in the next election and they return to their homes in Massachusetts or New York or Illinois, fat with their war profits. If we lose, we lose our country. We lose our independence. We lose it all.”

Of course, the Republicans did win. The radical leftist wing took charge. They ran the US as a one-party dictatorship by disenfranchising the conservative (Democrat) party until the Republicans, in a desperate bid to maintain power, opted to trade demilitarization of the final three states under occupation in exchange for the openly-purchased electoral votes to allow Hayes to steal the 1877 presidential election.

When Reconstruction finally ended with this disgraceful display, when the white population was again permitted suffrage, it marked the end of the Republican Party in the South for a century. It also led to a political and social backlash against the black population – which had been used by the corrupt Republicans in their suppression of conservatives at the ballot box. Jim Crow laws – in imitation of the established northern practice – became the law in the South.

It took decades for the South to recover economically and politically from the devastation – not from the war itself, but from the Republican Party’s corruption and plunder. Some places in the South are yet impoverished to this day as a result – and black and white Southerners alike have suffered the long term results of this Leftist coup – which was continued by the Democrats after the parties changed relative to each other in 1894 and exacerbated in 1932.

The Democrats of today are the Republicans of then: paternalistic toward blacks, disregarding the constitution, destroying the notion of federalism, favoring big omnipotent federal government, eschewing free markets, shamelessly corrupt, gun-grabbing, economically Marxist, and using taxation not for mere revenue but for plunder and political control.

> And now the Party of the Left not only takes the black voter for granted, they openly support the abortive genocide of the black race.
