Harris: “She looks like someone doing an imitation of Bette Davis hammered”

Thanks, Rick Rozoff.

“She looks like someone doing an imitation of Bette Davis hammered.”

Viewers’ comments:

She looked like she was trying to remember her lines.  She is in trouble at a unscripted debate.

A drunk talking through their nose.

60 YEARS OLD and you cant be sober and have a conversation for 1 HOUR?! It’s obvious, she suffers from social anxiety.

She delivered a well ‘tossed’ word salad with a nasally drawl and managed to say nothing. Thanks, I understand why the US is in a major decline, a population of well over 300 million and she is the best you can offer??

Watching Kamala I’m struck by the sense there is nothing there, I know we see a human there, but it’s more like an empty space, a nothingness taking up room some how.

Soulless, empty, meaningless…

I disagree. I think she looks sober. She’s absolutely miserable. They probably told her she couldn’t drink until after the interview.

Cut half, and this was the good half?

Sober people talk in print.

Drunk people talk in cursive.

She probably will catch Coronavirus before the debate.
