Ex-President Asked Ukrainian President About Company Behind Global Outage in 2019 Call

Writes Gail Appel:

This is what has become the American norm. Fabrications, subversive hordes,having the lies exposed and proven false, the architects, bankrollers, propagandists, investigators,conspirators, those responsible for attempting to steal the election they already rigged, but failed to overturn, the chaos, hatred and vulnerability .America/Americans have been forced to suffer, the false prosecutions and imprisonment, ruined lives, bankruptcies, tax payers dollars wasted, provocation of Russia, war ….Since none of these malignant demons.. here or abroad has been held accountable, the continue the spew… quintupling down.

The past several decades have given way to complacency. So long as the government corruption,propaganda,lies,political persecution, conflicts, lockdowns, violent crime, coverups ,collusion and.financial downturn doesn’t impact the privileged, their party,NetflixDoor Dash ,porn, online shopping … or grifters still receive their grift without having to work, they don’t care. They’re brainwashed to believe it.

Trump, Flynn,Rudy,Roger Stone, Tulsi Gabbard,Ezra Watnick-Cohen,KT McFarland,Lara Logan,Elon Musk,Sidney Powell,Sharyl Atkisson,Tucker,Lou Dobbs, Stephen Miller,Assange,Rogan,RFK Jr,Manafort,Navarro,Alex Jones,Bannon..Russian agents, racists..

Prior to the masks coming off the Dems( no pun intended)and their virulent antisemitism exposed for all to behold, all the aforementioned and every Republican or any critic of leftist policy is a racist White Supremacist fascist Neo-NaziKKK Jack Booted Goose SteppingDavid Duke acolyte

But Trump is still Hitler, but the Ukrainian Azov Regiment is not a Nazi faction.

Today alone, through email, text, media and Dem politicians, Trump hating UniParty Republicans, a partial array of ignominy:

Trump is a White Supremacist, White Christian Nationalist,is collaborating with Putin to recreate the Soviet Union,has a weird affection and admiration for despots, is a lifelong criminal, embezzler, rapist,segregationist,nativist,traitor, abuser, homophobe,xenophobia,Islamophobe, child/spousal abuser,,employment discriminator, will federally ban abortion, birth control, IVF, told people to inject bleach , promises to be a dictator,called soldiers who lost their lives on the beaches of Normandy and WW11 vets “suckers and losers”, African countries”Shithole Nations”, faked being grazed by a bullet,is ending Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, withdrawing from NAFTA ( I wish) ,is a climate denier who wants to destroy the planet for kicks,is going to make prescription drugs more expensive , end LBGT rights,have same sex marriage overturned and.. drumroll.”. The Greatest Threat To Democracy”. As they stage a coup to replace Biden because he’ll lose to Trump

Is that how “ Democracy” works? Like it does Oman, Turkey, Venezuela, Cuba,Brazil,France,Germany, UK, Colombia, Russia,Afghanistan,Qatar,S.Africa,Yemen,Canada,Ireland,Scotland,Wales,Nigeria,Niger,Rwanda,Indonesia, Congo,Sudan,Iraq,Nicaragua,Malaysia,Azerbaijan,Lebanon, Uzbekistan,Ukraine,Uganda,Spain, Kazakstan,Pakistan,Philippines, Ethiopia,Bangladesh,Mali,Togo,Senegal,Kuwait,Belgium… Funny, wherever we have tentacles, it seems democracy dies or authoritarianism becomes becomes  tyrannical despotism.

See here.

