Baltimore Archbishop Plans To Ban Latin Mass

Writes Gail Appel:


Why are they so hellbent on banning what the congregants want? It’s so peculiar.

The Jewish houses of worship are Reform- which is kind of kumbaya modern. All in English, none of the traditional chants.  and the music is more folksy. Similar to the Methodist The Conservative sect recites the prayers in Hebrew with English translation and the services and are generally English with the benediction in Hebrew . The Orthodox is all Hebrew and only the sermon is in English.

Though I wasn’t (embarrassingly) big on adhering to the text one way or another, I liked the Conservative Judaism because I enjoyed learning a different language and it was culturally traditional. The Reform was too trite, the Orthodox , too severe.

My Catholic friends and practitioners love the Latin Mass. They understand the text, most having attended parochial schools. My husband, too. He went to Mary Immaculate for twelve years and it was literally second nature.Its about the beauty of tradition.

Is that now a bad thing? Am I wrong in thinking its an enriching and a learning experience?

See here.

