It Worked Before

Fearing that members of the American public might be losing their enthusiasm for the war-mongering that has become synonymous with the corporate-state establishment, the media scare-crow industry has once again provided Boobus Americanus with fears that a hostile nation may have “weapons of mass destruction” with the possible intention of using them against “us.” This time, the enemy du jour is North Korea, which has reportedly been testing some of their missiles.  Nearly thirteen years ago, the U.S. used such lies to initiate a war (one that still continues) against Iraq.  North Korea is now being offered as an excuse to keep the military-industrial complex well-fed.

With over 10,000 nuclear warheads now controlled by other militaristic regimes, intelligent minds might ask themselves whether North Korea poses any more of a threat to  the rest of the world than do the nations that now enjoy a monopoly in such weaponry. The same question applies to Iran, of course.

When the establishment media go into their periodic war-dances, they might include in their assessment of nuclear weapons the questions: (1) what nation first developed atomic weaponry; and (2) what nation is the only one known to have used them (twice) against helpless populations?  Those media flacks who continue to propagandize on behalf of the war-making efforts of the state might keep in mind that the fall of Nazi Germany was followed by a series of war-crimes trials, and that one of the defendants was Julius Streicher, editor-in-chief of the pro-Nazi newspaper Der Sturmer.  Streicher was convicted, and hanged for his part in creating the environment in which such crimes occurred.


6:05 pm on March 3, 2016