Why Not Puncture the Essential Fear Weapon? Unmasking the Viral Deception – Part One

The Germ Hypothesis has been one of the most successful DECEPTIONS ever pulled off throughout the world.

At it’s core is the Perversion of Science.

In this Part ONE of a two-part series by Drs Sam Bailey she presents in video form an essay requested by Vera Sharov concerning the perversion of science and provides an excellent overview of how the “pandemic” was staged.

(In many ways this presentation is a great summary of her and her husband, Dr Mark Bailey’s, latest book, The Final Pandemic which I also highly recommend.)

Vera Sharov, of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, is a Holocaust survivor and tireless champion of protecting the rights of human research subjects in clinical trials – and removing fear from the world.

She is preparing a companion book to her documentary, “Never Again is Now Global” which will have over 20 authors contributing chapters, of which this essay by the Bailey’s will be one.

Please watch Sam’s Part One video, HERE (19 minute).

To learn more about Vera Sharov, her mission and watch her excellent documentary, “Never Again is Now Global” , please go HERE.

Highly Recommended! 


7:15 pm on January 17, 2025