Welfare-Immigration Destruction of America Supported by Elizabeth Warren and Democrats

Elizabeth Warren at this moment is 52 cents on Predictit, while Joe Biden is 22 cents. She’s the clear leader in the contest for the Democrats’ choice of president. The rest of the candidates are at 10 cents (Yang) and less. Clinton is at 7 cents.

If Warren is nominated and Trump wins his party’s nomination, a key issue will be open borders (Warren) vs. controlled borders (Trump).

Warren’s policy proposals on immigration add up to open borders. See here and here. The latter linked article is headlined “Mother Jones Writer: Warren’s Immigration Plan ‘De Facto Open Borders’”. More recent comments by Warren are cited here.

This means that the Democratic Party is for open borders. Warren has also endorsed Ocasio-Cortez’s welfare plan for illegal immigrants. This means that the Democratic Party stands for welfare extended to anyone in the entire world who crosses the U.S. borders, and those borders are to be open to anyone to cross.

This is a truly shocking pair of policies for a major political party to embrace, because they are clearly unsustainable. There is no way at current tax rates and with current taxation policies to pay welfare to the numbers of immigrants who would be attracted to America if these two policies were enacted.

What this means is that the Democratic Party stands for massive increases in taxes of all kinds, including taxation of accumulated wealth, because there are no other ways to pay the amounts of welfare that would be involved. Once this fact, and fact it is, is recognized by voters, assuming that the country’s inhabitants still possess that minimal degree of understanding necessary to grasp what’s going on, the irrationality of the Democrats’ plans will be evident. Again, assuming some degree of rationality exhibited by our system of voting, Warren’s candidacy and/or her ideas will be rejected.

Before that occurs, perhaps Democrats themselves will reject her and/or her ideas, if they realize how extreme and irrational she and her ideas are. That’s beyond my competence to forecast, as is an assessment of how Americans and voters might respond to this unpalatable stew of proposals to gut America and reduce her standard of living to highly unsatisfactory levels. I can only emphasize the reality of how extreme the Democratic Party and its putative candidate, Elizabeth Warren, have become.


8:54 am on October 4, 2019