Upending Mask-Mandates Down East

Portland, Maine, is “a pretty statist city,” according to Jean Carbonneau, so he was “shocked” when he read this “good news”:

Portland mask mandate proposal formally rejected

In a split 4-4 vote at a meeting on Sept. 20, the City Council failed to pass an indoor mask mandate.

Alas, Marxists are the world’s sorest losers; they’ll punish their subjects for this victory by squandering their taxes on propaganda. In a

unanimous 8-0 vote[, the dictators demanded] … the creation of a public information campaign.

“With this Resolution, we ask, urge and recommend vaccination, mask-wearing, and other precautions that we know stem the spread of COVID-19. We also recommend and support the launch of a city-led public education campaign,—

Why do communists always assume that our disagreements with them arise from our ignorance rather than their evil?

which includes the development of assets for use by community organizations and businesses.”

Hmmm. Mr. and Ms. Councilweenie, please present your medical creds.


11:53 am on October 5, 2021