“Unlocked”, the Movie and a False Flag Virus Attack

Naomi Rapace was great in “The Girl” trilogy, the Swedish production. Here in the thriller “Unlocked” she takes on another action-oriented role as she tries to stop a deadly virus from being disseminated. The movie was released 3 years and 4 months ago. Near its ending, parts of the dialog are pertinent to today’s reality.

Rapace plays “Alice” a CIA agent, and her foe in this scene is “Eric”. Eric, a rogue CIA agent, is perpetrating a secret false flag virus attack to awaken the American people. He’s spraying the virus onto American visitors inside a London high-rise elevator so that they become carriers when they fly home.

Alice: Tell me how to stop it.
Eric: You can’t. It’s a timed detonation.
Alice: How many dead?
Eric: Enough to get our attention. Global viruses are the biggest threat to mankind
and Washington is asleep, Al. It’s an American affliction.
Eric: You know, they truck-bombed the World Trade Center in ’93, but it takes 9/11 to
make an impression.
Eric: Ebola hops across the Atlantic but we ignored that warning too.
Alice: Some kind of sick wake-up call?
Eric: No. I’d call it a stress test of America’s bio defense. Those American guests next door are gonna fly back to Oregon or to Oklahoma, each one of them a ticking bomb. And when they go off, Washington will appreciate its staggering lack of preparation.
Alice: And do what exactly?
Eric: Legalize what’s needed for the next time. Forced isolation of all contacts. Quarantine camps and the troops to secure them. Real-time access to private medical records.
Alice: You’re talking about medical martial law.
Eric: I’m talking about keeping up with Mother Nature, with her speed, with the tricks that she’s learned over millions of years.


8:26 pm on September 11, 2020