TSA…NSA…Kinda Bewildering When You’re a Pervert Looking for “Work”…

It’s not often you’ll find me sympathizing with one of the TSA’s goons, so listen up. Daniel Boykin groped passengers in Tennessee, at Nashville’s international airport—but his career was cut short when he “became obsessed” with a “co-worker.” Yeah, I too fail to see how the TSA’s typical sponge—mouth-breathing, way too many donuts enlarging the hips and thickening the neck, fake fingernails out to there, stentorian voice, and an IQ of 16—could appeal to any guy, I don’t care how desperate he is. But it seems our boy Boykin was stricken, and bad. He apparently “[took] video of [his lady love] in an airport bathroom and [broke] into her house five times.” So zealous was he that he made “92 videos of the victim — 29 taken from a bathroom inside Nashville International Airport — and 1,527 photographs of the woman [sic, because ‘she’s not a woman. She’s The Terminator’].”

Shades of the NSA, right? Indeed, Danny Boy sounds like prime spook material to me. The NSA wants to collect it all, by gum, and so does Danny: bathroom walls don’t stymie him any more than they do the “intelligence agencies.” I say the guy merely wound up at the wrong bureaucracy; an immediate transfer to the NSA is in order. Instead, Our stupid Rulers are wasting this enormous talent by sentencing him to 6 months in jail. Why? Isn’t taping people everywhere, including in their most private moments, what the NSA does each and every day?


9:52 pm on April 9, 2015