Is Trump Honeymoon Over Yet?

Is the honeymoon over yet? At this last press conference, Trump just said he’s going to build the biggest military the United States has ever seen or had. And, what, he’ll do it using double coupons and shopping wisely, I suppose? There is only ONE way a military gets built and that’s with money. Specifically, tax dollars. Wake up. This is neocon warehouse overstock with a new label. And if this was anyone but Trump, the people that usually whine about military spending would blow a head gasket. More to the point, the bigger a military gets, the bigger the temptation to use it gets.

Then he’s alluded to the creation of new federal police agencies to deal with crime. Plus, he’s referenced the need to “do something” about drugs. Meaning, the War On Drugs is going into extra innings. I would imagine tanks and APCs on the streets are not far behind. Why not? There are reports that he’s weighing the option of using National Guard troops to round up illegals. What’s wrong with that, you say? Because it sets a precedent, people. Once you’re using any military force to enforce laws, you’re already a police state. I guess the usual Cassandras are too busy cheering it because it’s “their guy” doing it.

Look, people, it’s already too late. Too many are drinking the Kool-Aid, willing to overlook the authoritarian Big State despot right in front of their faces just because he’s doing a few things they like. And you think this won’t set precedents for the future? (That is, if the End Game isn’t revealed sooner.) Now, rather than abide by the checks-and-balances of the judicial branch and let go of the refugee ban, he’s said he’s going to write a different executive order next week. Again, precedents. Let’s see everyone applaud executive orders when a Democrat gets in and uses one to ban the importation of all firearms. He or she will say, “Well, gosh, Trump banned people from coming in, so we can surely ban guns from coming in. And we’re not saying you can’t own a gun, we’re just saying it has to be American made here in the United States. By an American company.” Then when a federal court challenges it, he or she just writes another. Can’t happen? Just wait.

Look, if this was Hillary doing this, we’d hear screams of outrage. Especially the part about increased federal police power and the possible use of military force to enforce a law on American streets. What’s wrong with that? Well, once you’ve said it’s okay to use National Guard to round up illegals, it then becomes okay to use them to confiscate guns the government says are illegal. Or man “security checkpoints” to “deter crime” in cities. Before you know it, there’s a tank at every intersection and everyone sits there and looks shocked and acts like they don’t know how this happened.  And, right, just what we need. More federal police agencies on top of that. And people are cheering this on like it’s a good thing?! What was it, just a year ago people were on here complaining about the militarization of the police? So, what, it’s okay now? Because it’s “your guy” doing it?

I think a lot of people have gotten a contact high on Trump’s power. And people that ought to know better.


11:39 am on February 17, 2017

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