“The World’s Most Dangerous Publisher”…

…contacted me about his new website. (And here you thought I was a mild-mannered writer with a ho-hum existence!) “Gorilla School” teaches martial tactics and guerilla warfare to civilians via an “editorial corps … led by a former Army Special Forces NCO in the 18-series military career field. While traditionally, guerrilla warfare and its auxiliary topics have been used overwhelmingly by leftist, communist insurgencies — its techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTP) are catholic (universal).” Given that Marxists nationwide Burn, Loot and Murder (I stole that from an email, but I can’t remember whose! Write me if you want credit) with Our Rulers’ blessing, this material could save your life, home and family.

A caveat, however: anyone can write me and claim whatever he pleases. I know little of modern strategy; I extensively researched that of the eighteenth century for my novels, Halestorm and Abducting Arnold, but I suspect methods have changed since then. So while I found this website fascinating, I’m a poor judge of its accuracy. I’d appreciate it if those of you with tactical knowledge would review the information for us.


7:47 am on September 21, 2020