The Man Who Literally Wrote the U.S. Constitution Advocated Secession in 1812

Founding father Gouveneur Morris of New York was chairman of the Committee on Style and is credited with literally writing the final draft of the Constitution.  Along with the New England Federalists, he advocated secession of New England and New York.  The Federalists were so opposed to Jefferson, his and Madison’s trade embargo, and the War of 1812, all of which they believed were harmful to the New England economy, that they plotted to secede.

This proves once and for all that the founding fathers all agreed with Senator Timothy Pickering of Massachusetts, who was George Washington’s secretary of war and secretary of state, that secession was “the” principle of the American Revolution; that of course the union is voluntary; and of course the citizens of each state have a right to secede.  (Senator Pickering was the leader of the New England secession movement from 1801-1814).

Case closed.


7:09 am on July 8, 2022