Thanks for Nothing, Gerry

According to a Dec. 28 AP report that I just Googled, Gerald Ford told the Washington Post in 2004 that “the Iraq war was not justified.” “I don’t think I would have gone to war,” Ford reportedly said. “Rumsefled and Cheney and the president made a big mistake in justifying going into the war in Iraq,” Ford is quoted as saying.

Unfortunately, Ford spoke to the Post on the condition that they only publish the interview after his death.

Some “hero” to his country (as the Fox War Channel has called him 129,378 times as of 8 A.M. this morning). He believed the current regime started an unnecessary war that killed thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of civilians in Iraq, and our “hero” is too cowardly to make a peep about it publicly. That might have embarrassed Dub-Yuh, and that is certainly worth at least 3,000 dead
American soldiers, after all. As Thomas Sowell has said, that’s “nothing” compared to the death toll of WW II, so all you nitwits quit your complaining!


8:52 am on January 2, 2007